Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I am ready for this year. It will be a challenge, to say the least. We've spent a quiet weekend at home. Baby, it's cold outside! Yesterday's high was 25. We didn't get the expected 1-2 feet of snow. We got 2 inches of ice from rain! DH was bummed.

Saturday evening our friends and their 2 kids came over for dinner and brought some Papa Murphy's pizza's with them. Yum. It's nice to have pizza when you can't just get it whenever you want, anymore. (well, unless I make it myself). It was the first time friend's wife had been to our house. I left all the decorations up and we left the lights on the house, so it would still be decorated when they came. I will be glad for a bigger house and dining room table in the future, LOL. Adding 4 more people in our tiny house makes it feel crowded. And they are big folks! haha. All 4 of them are very tall and good sized. Their son is in 8th grade and now taller than his 6'3" (at least) dad and a big football player size. I think they should have brought another pizza just for him ;)  Friend, of course had to bring his whiskey and coke.

Neither of us felt like getting all the lights down and decor put away yesterday, so that will be today's chore. We just relaxed yesterday. I went and did some grocery shopping at the store here in town. We haven't felt like driving in this weather to the city, so I just stocked up for the week from this store. Spent $128 but that will get us through the week and hopefully we can go to the city next weekend. Took naps, watched a movie. I read, as a book I've had on hold for a long time, finally got to be my turn. Of course, I did not stay up until midnight, but I made it to 10:30, ha! I've never been a big New Year's Eve celebrator - it's just another day and today have to start remembering to write 2018.

I've also stopped making resolutions years ago. Like whoever sticks to them? LOL. 

Well, off to see if I can get my new Christmas tree back in the box it came in!


  1. I make plans more than goals, but they do help me try and stay focused and remember what I wanted to accomplish. while not successful with all, I think I do better than without setting targets. Have a lovely January 1.

    1. thank you! I just seem to have plans, too, most all the time, so for me it doesn't really need to be decided at first of the year :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I can't believe how fast 2017 went!

  3. Happy New Year! Here is 2018 being one with less drama!

    1. Thank you! I hope you are enjoying your new place!

  4. I prefer to make "resolutions" on different dates rather than 1st January too. Not that I am good at sticking to even the non-new Year resolutions. I like Sam's idea of calling them "plans" too. Terrible weather here too - bucketing down rain for about 3 days and "blowing a hoolie" as they say. Yuck, to think I have to go back to work in it on Wednesday. I have no problem walking in the extreme cold but in the rain coming back looking like Donald Duck. Nah. Oh and happy new year to you too Anna

  5. Happy New Year! I was such a partier that I was in bed before 9. On the bright side of that...I got a much earlier start on New Years Day. Lol
