Monday, January 22, 2018

Micellaneous Monday chat

We decided to get out of the house yesterday and go to the city for some "Christmas" shopping. DH's presents to me were sticky notes with various gifts for me to pick out or trips to specific stores. Yesterday we went to Kohl's and Bed Bath and Beyond. At Kohl's I got a new pair of tennis shoes (needed) and 3 tops. I like Kohl's stuff but every time I have been to their stores and find something I like they are usually out of it in my size...or DH's...we were trying to find him a pair of basic sweatpants. They literally had like a few in each kind they carried and either nothing in large. Same with shoes I looked at. Of course the ones I liked did not have a 7. I sometimes can wear a 6 1/2 so I tried that and they were ok, so I got that size. At BB&B I got a new turkey roasting pan ($15), two new pillows ($15 ea) for our guest bed (because the ones we have are really old) and two towels and a hand towel. It was after lunchtime by then and we were super hungry and DH decided a McDonalds Big Mac sounded good. We have not had McDonalds since we moved here! Sure tasted good and we didn't get a stomach ache later like we thought we would, since we're not used to eating that junk anymore.

Back at home, by dinner time we were both still full so we just had a cheap and easy dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches.

I think I need a new mouse. Every time I need to use my right click button, like for copy and paste, I have to click it like 3 times to work. Maybe I'll plug in DH's mouse (it's fairly new) and see if I still have the same problem. I do a lot of cut/paste for work and it's starting to annoy me to have to keep clicking.

I didn't sleep well and woke up with a headache. I know it's because I/we are stressing out over this house building. 


  1. The shopping trip sounded fun! As for the stress, I wish I could tell you it would get better, but it doesn't. I just had to have 2 teeth crowned from grinding last time. I have never ground my teeth before - it was all from the build. I am only just now starting to feel normal again and not super stressed about every little thing. Best is to plan some fun times to stop thinking about it for a while or at least as much as you can. Practice stress relief techniques - whatever you can!!

    I agree though, you need a mouse that will work for you - not against you if you copy and past a lot.

    1. I'm sure I'll lose all the weight I gained back after moving here (when I lost a bunch trying to sell our house and get moved here). I'm expecting this next year to be stressful, trying to stay relaxed.

  2. While shopping as a hobby is not a good thing, a little "potter" round the shops is great isn't it. And good luck with the build. I know I wouldn't have the nerves to do it. Anna

    1. Shopping isn't really something I enjoy much, especially when I don't know what to get! But we had a good time. DH said he enjoyed it.

  3. Good for you for getting out of the house and enjoying some time with your hubby! I don't envy you with all the stress you are under. Moving is stressful enough. I can't imagine going through the building process. Hang in there!

    1. after we got home he said we should probably be getting out a bit more just to get our minds off it. Kind of hard to do in winter. We also stopped at our friends place that is halfway between us and city and visited with them about half hour

  4. Spending time outside the house is a much needed thing in the winter but the weather highly discourages it. Istanbul is cold and rainy. It has been raining almost non-stop for the last two days. We need snow and for some reason, we are not getting any.

    1. We haven't got much snow either, it's rained and warmed up so much the past month we can see our lawn again.

    2. I'll gladly share. We had at least a foot of it dumped on us just since yesterday!

  5. I'm pretty sure Kohl's has ship-to-store options, so you could always try that and get cash back too. Unless you're worried about the fit, that is. Or unless you need the item immediately. Anyway, it sounds like a fun and relaxing day. And like you definitely need a new mouse.

    1. I've seen that option advertised too, but not very convenient for us since we live over 50 miles from Kohl's. Like to get it done in one trip :) Plus DH wanted to actually shop with me and not have me order online LOL
