Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Took the plunge!

Well, I did it. I asked my boss if I was going to be getting a raise this year! I had mentioned to her last month that I was going to be starting the loan process for the construction loan after the first of the year, so she would be aware employment verification was coming her way soon.  Since I was not at the year end company meeting 3 weeks ago, where bonus checks were handed out, and where they always tell us what to expect for a sales goal and bonus program in the coming year,  I was not sure what/if our bonus program is for 2018. So, I asked about it, so that I could know to include it as part of my salary listed on the application. It's usually a good bet we will get it and I can show from my pay stubs we've gotten in every year past.

She said the bonus program will be the same for next year.........so then I decided what the heck - I'm going to ask her if there might be a raise for me this year. What have I got to lose? She can just say no, if that is the answer. But, at least I wouldn't be sitting here for the next couple of months wondering.

She replied back that she is working on reviews and salaries next week, but I'd be safe to list a 3% increase.  Well, that's better than nothing, that's for sure.  I replied back "thanks so much for the info...I just didn't want to assume a raise for this year, since there wasn't one (for me, but I didn't add that) last year".  I was feeling brave, so just thought I'd throw that in there, too, LOL. It has happened before (to 2 employees the prior year) where almost the whole year went by and found out their raise didn't get put through and they got it retro for all those months. Apparently their manager thought she  I'm not expecting that, but if everyone else is getting raises, I at least expect something. I do as good a job as everyone else!


  1. Excellent! You are brave - I never asked for one, but since you did not get one last year, they really needed to give you one.

    1. figured I'd better go for it while I was feeling brave LOL

  2. LOL Oh gosh I had to laugh how talked about "you didn't get one last year" etc LOL Congratulations and good for you!! :) XO

    1. I guess I kind of wanted her to know that even though I didn't say/ask anything about it last year (I didn't even get a review, after I filled out all my part of it!) that it needs to get addressed one way or the other this year ;)

  3. Replies
    1. It was a brave day - doesn't happen too often LOL

  4. Replies
    1. thanks - hopefully it won't be too long before the increases are submitted to our payroll company

  5. Good for you! I am glad, you spoke up. Every little bit of money will help as you are building your home.

    1. it definitely will. An extra $200 a month would give a nice extra cushion

  6. I'd never shy away from asking if I have details of my work to back up my request. good for you.

    1. I'm quiet and don't like to make waves. I felt like I needed to this year.

  7. Well done for asking about the raise. Not sure I would have but then you've obviously got more spunk than me. Anna

  8. Good for you. As an 18-yr-old on my first job, I told the manager I wanted a raise. I did not ask for one. I just told the manager I wanted one. He asked why I should get a raise. I told him I could do everything in TG&Y that he could do and more than most of the other employees. The only thing he could do was go into the locked office. I got a raise in my next pay check.

    Good for you mentioning you did not get one the year before!

    1. I was trying to think back all the years I have worked to see if I ever have asked for a raise. I can't think of a time. Maybe there was once.
