Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sick days

DH has not been feeling well at all. Extreme pain all over, especially in his back. About the same time he over-did it, a week before Christmas, with the rock wall construction he also started his new higher dose of Crestor. He had tried that dose several years ago and got all achey, so went back to 5mg. I didn't say 2-3 weeks ago "hey, today you are starting 10 mg" (we still had a few 5mg left when we got the prescription) because I know he'd also just get it in his mind he felt worse. So, it was hard to tell if he's been feeling worse because he totally overdid it or the medication. But, he keeps getting worse - so yesterday I  mentioned well maybe it is the higher dose of Crestor. At first he was like, but I've been on that for a couple weeks right? and I said yes, your extra pain started before that by a couple of days. But by afternoon/evening he of course tells himself it's the medication.  Well, then it's an easy way to find out. Stop taking it for at least a few days and see how you feel. Last night was terrible for him, he hardly got any sleep he's in so much pain. He took his last Crestor yesterday morning, so let's see how next few days go. He's pretty miserable feeling. He needs to combine a restful period of days (where's he's not in extra pain from doing something strenuous) with not taking the meds and see if he suddenly feels better. It's hard to tell when he's done some stuff to over use his muscles. Plus, he's had to shovel snow several times the past week, which doesn't help how he feels.

I also wish he'd sit better. He sits in his recliner all crooked - half the time with his legs up underneath him with his hips and back all twisted. That can't be good, especially if he's sitting there for any length of time. I know I cannot do it anymore (since messed up back in car accident) - I can't sit for very long on the couch with my legs curled up by my side. My back starts hurting. I have to sit with my hips and legs straight (I can put them up on coffee table) and a pillow behind my back.

And speaking of not feeling right - I've had a dull headache at the base of my skull since last Saturday. It took me until this morning to realize it's probably a sinus headache! I usually spend about a week or so each Jan/Feb with it. Ibuprofen or Tylenol won't touch it. I have to take a sinus headache pill.Where we lived before I always had a bad week or two of sinus headache late January/early February. Last year, in our new climate, it wasn't until like April. Not sure why it's early January, now, but I have a feeling this must be what it is. We'll see if the sinus med helps and then I'll know.


  1. I am so sorry! Sickness is the worst! Base of your skull for sinus? I get mine right above my eyebrows or around the cheekbone areas, but like, ibuprofen or tylenol doesn't touch it. Hope you both are pain free soon!

    1. my "sinus" headaches are weird. I can't tell them from a regular headache - other than I go days with a headache that ibuprofen won't touch and then remember to try a sinus pill. It helped a little yesterday. It's really early for my annual sinus week, though.

  2. I never have sinus pain at base of my skull, just on face. When I overdo it, my fibromyalgia causes me to take weeks to feel better. The sitting crooked may cause a bit of relief, but sitting right will provide long term relief. Not sleeping makes the pain last longer. Has he ever just taken something for sleep? Sleep for me helps me heal faster. Melatonin is a good thing as it does not cause any other problems.

    I hope you both feel better and me too.

    1. I think I might suggest something like the advil Pm for him to give a try, that's a good idea. I'll look into the melatonin, too.

  3. I am forever saying "Honey,should you be sitting and cattywampus like that?"

    1. he's always saying I need a recliner chair to sit in (rather than the couch) and I'm like "not if I end up sitting in it like you do yours!"

  4. I bought an Ekorness Stressless recliner and I didn't think it made that much difference but after not using it for a week (loaned it to my daughter) my back hurts like crazy. Sitting with my legs tucked up underneath me is definitely not good. I found used Stressless chairs and I definitely love them.

    tucked up underneath

    1. we are trying to wait and buy a recliner when we get living room furniture for new house. His current chair is terrible! even the springs are poking underneath the seat cover.
