Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pay stuff

Well, I sorta got my retro pay raise from the first half of January. The paystub said the net pay was $13...the gross was $169.  Where did it all go? LOL. It went to my 401k. That's an error on the payroll company's fault. I have my 401k withholdings set up as a flat $ amount per REGULAR payroll period. (vs. having a % of all my pay withheld). So, when I get a bonus check, there is no 401k withheld from it.  So, this extra "retro pay check" should not have had a 401k withdrawal on it.  I also got my regular check and the $115 was withheld, too. So, I ended up having $115 withheld 3 times this month, instead of 2 times.  If the raise had been on the first check (they forgot to enter the raises) I would have gotten the extra $169 with that check and only had 401k withheld one time for that income.

oh well, not that big of deal. Just extra retirement savings, but I had budgeted for that money once I knew it was coming.  It also doesn't appear this payroll company has started the new tax tables yet with the tax cut. I'll have to look over the old tax table compared to the new one, but my federal tax % rate was actually a bit higher than it usually is and according to the new tax table I looked at last week, it was supposed to go down a bit and give me about an extra $40 per paycheck.

Our building loan appraisal has been ordered. Now about a 4 week wait, I guess. Since we're "out in the boonies", according to them, the appraisals take about 4 weeks.......and cost more to come "way out here".  Which is kinda ridiculous.  Our property is about a 35 minute drive west of the city.  10-25 miles south of the city is a valley of towns that has boomed with houses and population in recent years. Lots of traffic to get down there, and probably would take a good 35 min or more to get down to appraise all those places, but they don't consider that farther away. Dumb.

I'm hoping to start picking up a little extra money from my side job. Quite awhile back (like 6 months) I offered to do more work, since I have more hours per week living here and not commuting 7 hours a week of my time, like I did where I used to live. I think she just kind of forgot about our discussion/my offer to take on some other tasks. I decided to email/remind her about it. She did email me back right away, but was on her way to a deposition hearing and so her mind was bogged down with that issue. I'll probably have to ask again, but if I can earn a couple hundred more per month, that would be great, so I'm going to keep offering. I know she has more on her plate than she has time for. I'm hoping she takes me up on the offer.

She actually texted me last Friday evening, 5pm her time asking if I was available? She was at the attorneys office and they needed a date on a lunch meeting that took place with the guy they are suing. She knew she had the info at their office, but couldn't get that to the attorney until Monday and thought maybe I could look up the expense report and give her the date. No problem. Within 2 minutes I had the info to her. I was glad I could get the info to them and quickly, as I know she's and her husband (company owner) are under a lot of stress from dealing with the lawsuit,


  1. On the extra income gig, I think once someone knows you are good (as she obviously does) things snowball. I found that when my son was born in the States and I had left the World Bank. I had to bring in money and it was slow starting up but as soon as it got rolling there was more work than I could handle. I'm sure she'll be getting back to you. Oh, and don't spend that $13 all at once! Anna

    1. I'm hoping I can add a couple hundred a month. I'm sure there is more I could be doing to help out.

  2. Just think about how much that bonus will go up in value! You'll have all the more for retirement.

    We are also about 35 miles from the city and yes, appraisal do cost more and take longer when you are remote. Getting comps is another challenge living so remotely. Our recent appraisal was $525.

    1. yes, comps are extremely hard around here. To appraise this house we are in now it was $900!

    2. Ouch! That is a lot for an appraisal. I will no longer complain about how much we paid. Lol

  3. Alittle lost in ready cash right now will be very welcome on the backside!

  4. "Way out there" is a good excuse to fiddle faddle around and put you off. Plus, they can justify charging much more. A guy from CA speaks of AL as "way down there" as he is amazed we actually have things like Entenmann's. I think in your case it is the fact there is not continuous buildings. If he has to pass trees, they probably think you are at the ends of the earth.

    1. Exactly LOL. it's all mountains and trees, for the most part driving out here. Going south of the city it's all houses and business now. Like DH said - he'd drive 35 minutes (45 miles) with zero traffic to get out here vs 35 minutes to go 20 miles, any day
