Friday, January 5, 2018

Feeling better

DH is feeling quite a bit better today, so it must be the higher dose of Crestor that was making him feel worse and worse. He tried this dosage a few years ago with bad results, so nothing's changed. His way of thinking....he'd rather just not take it and feel his "normal" crappy self than gain a few more years of life with lower cholesterol but feel absolutely terrible every single day of his life. It was so bad Wednesday night he almost went to the ER because he couldn't take the pain any more.  He couldn't even eat dinner Wednesday, he felt so bad.

He got better sleep last night and then was able to sleep in some this morning and eat breakfast and lunch. Hopefully he'll get back to his normal in a couple more days.

I'm taking sinus med for my ongoing headache. It is helping some, but not completely, so I'm not sure what is going on, but it's been 7 days of it now. It doesn't seem to bother me while sleeping, so at least there is that. I guess when I'm done with work (half day) I'll give putting my little rice heating pad on my neck for awhile and see if that helps.

We're not going to make a trip into the city, like we do often when it's my half day Friday. Neither of us feel like it, so sometime in the next few days it will be a trip to the local grocery store for more food. I did place an order this morning online with Target for a few food and healthcare items. I compared prices to Walmart and Walmart is still higher. Target doesn't have 2 day shipping, but also do not need to meet the minimum $25 order, since I have a redcard. When I was checking out there was a $10 Target giftcard balance on my account. I have NO idea how that got there! That is not something I usually forget about. It was a nice surprise, and brought my order down to $23.

Did I mention DD wants to take me to Hawaii as a Mother's Day present?! I think we are leaning now toward end of Febuarary/early March, as May might have us in the house building mode and not a good time to be gone. I think we found a hotel that will be decent enough. She's trying to get the most bang for her bucks, so she decided it was cheaper to stay in Waikiki, rather than go to Kauai, which was our first plan. We are just going to go for 5 nights, but for me will be extra because I have to fly in to where she is the day prior and fly home the day after we get back.  We'll see the beach and of course Pearl Harbor, just do window shopping and eating. I was there with my parents when I was like 13 years old, so it's been a long while since I've been to Honolulu.


  1. He must be in terrible pain. At least, he feels better. Crestor is not the only cholesterol lowering med, right. The occasional nomads on Sluggy's blog roll live in Hawaii, Kauai, I think. She might give you a clue as to what place to stay or where not to stay. Benefiber is supposed to lower cholesterol. I took it but discovered it is wheat, something I am very allergic to, so I quit. There might be other similar things to take that might help cholesterol. Can he take Lipitor?

    1. He's tried Crestor and Simvastatin. He has been "ok" for the most part on 5mg Crestor the past several years. It seems that muscle pain can be a side effect w/all statins and since he already has a muscle problem it's worse for him.

    2. I have fibromyalgia. I hurt, some days more than others. I am never going to take another if more pain could be in the future. Besides, since you posted this, I have read up on what statins can do. No more. Now, I have forgotten my questions, but will reread the post and write. Thanks.

    3. I haven't really read up on them, but I probably should, as I myself am on Simvastatin. It really lowered my cholesterol and I haven't had any side effects (that I notice).

  2. Statins are terrible. I have lasting problems from them and my mitochondria doctor (one of only a few in the US said they should be banned). She has said there are other options out there. I agree cholesterol medicine is necessary and better than a stroke etc. I am a new reader- and dont know the history but please take his pain seriously. I was a fairly healthy 29 year old until I started taking those meds... 5mg.. chronic pain sufferer now. Its no joke

    1. I'll add that I'm 38 now and been off the meds at doctors orders since 32 years old. Still terrible pain (and high cholesterol.. risk vs reward at my age- Heather)

    2. Go figure,
      I will never take another Lipitor! I tried to email you through your blog. No luck. I have questions.

    3. Hi GoFigure. Thanks for commenting. DH was talking to his dad the other day who said his doctor said statins are terrible too. At this point he'd rather be like you - high cholesterol risk and less pain

    4. Linda - the email is

  3. you're lucky your daughter wants to take you to Hawaii. Son1 wants us to take his family, or if we can't go just send them.
