Monday, January 29, 2018

Nothing exciting going on

It as a pretty unexciting weekend. I had a bit of a stomach ache since like Thursday. Not sure what it was from. Kind of stomach cramping. It's a lot better today. I had been drinking a whole bunch of water from our tap last week- who knows maybe the water has something it it my stomach doesn't like. Guess I'll use the bottled water, too, now.

Spent yesterday afternoon and evening on the couch binge watching Longmire on Netflix. My DD had sent me a Netflix gift card for my birthday. It's the last season 6 I'm watching. Now DH decided he was enjoying it, but has so many questions, LOL. I told him to watch it from the beginning season 1!

DD had a job interview last Wednesday. She thought it went well, but it's for the state (purchasing) and they had a salary range listed on the paperwork they gave her at the interview and it's barely more than she's making now, so she left there thinking she probably would not take the job, unless there was some better benefits to make it worthwhile.  She had listed my boss as a reference (she had done an internship at my office years ago) and my boss called me and said she got a call as DD's reference. And she had also listed a co-worker she's good friends with and they called him too.  Now, this morning the lady who interviewed her emailed and asked for another professional reference of someone who supervised her in the past.  Well, she really doesn't have any one she can give. Her only previous job was at the restaurant for 2 years during high school and those managers are long gone and she's not going to give out her current manager, obviously.  I told her to just tell that and oh well. The job is at the state prison and has the potential to be in contact with some prisoners, if they are cleaning around the offices.  Not worth $43,000 a year to take a chance like that, in my book. That prison had a guard murdered several years ago. Who knows when one of them could snap.  Plus, her current job sent out her "self review" last week for her to complete. In it she put that she is interested in becoming a "Buyer 2" level.  Also, her boss called her to his desk on Friday and told her her work is always perfect and he wishes he had 4 of her.  Whatever raise, she gets in the near future, even if's it's pathetic like last year, it will end up being more than she would make for the State job. She doesn't hate her current job, just not thrilled with the pay after almost 2 years and some of the work is a bit boring/annoying.  She just texted me that her boss told her to edit her self review and toot her own horn more, LOL.  I know it's a big corporation she works for, so I'm sure the review stuff goes to his manager and their HR corp HQ office, too.  If they are smart they will give her a decent raise to make sure she wants to stay.

We're back in sit and wait mode on our house. The builder finalized numbers on Friday and told DH he was on his way to drop off with banker lady. A couple hours later, on Friday, she emailed asking if he was sending to her or we he obviously had not done it yet.  Now it's midway through Monday and no word yet.  (rolling eyes....)


  1. I'd also be hesitant working for a prison. At one point I gave some brief thought to working at a state prison as a nurse, but after hearing a few horror stories, decided to nix the entire idea. I don't think they give workers near enough protection.

    I hope your builder doesn't take too long to get your bank the numbers. Always a waiting game.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  2. We binge watched Season 6, Longmire as well

    1. We're about half way through season 6. Bummed it's the last one

  3. I worked at a prison teaching GED. I was only afraid once. I was on my own in a separate building with a dozen prisoners and a walkie talkie.

    1. it only takes once. She's a tiny 100 pound thing. There's too many other good jobs over there and one will eventually land her way

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If I were your DD, I would stay put especially given that her boss genuinely likes her. Another year of very good performance at a large organization may open new doors for her. Prison? Not so much.

    1. that's what I advised her yesterday. See what happens with this review coming up. She doesn't hate it there, just wants to make more money.
