Monday, January 8, 2018


I decided to talk DD out of the Hawaii trip this year. Several reasons, but mostly because she doesn't know she'll be getting engaged the week after we'd get back and I'm sure she will want to save for their eventual honeymoon :)  Plus, even though she was paying for most of it, it was still going to cost me at least $500. Airfare to fly to her and food, etc. She was ok with my decision and after she is proposed to then I can explain better why. LOL.

We are still waiting on our builder to get us his cost breakdown. I went ahead and emailed the banker lady I had saved her info from when we were checking back in summer of 2016 for the construction loan. I filled out their credit app and emailed it to her with info. She did reply back earlier today and said how their process works is they have to have the long term (mortgage) loan approved first and then they do the construction loan approval. She wanted to know if I had another lender I was working with on the end loan, or wanted to do both through them. I said both through them.  Hopefully we'll soon have an idea of how much we can do, etc.  Then when the builder finally gets us numbers we'll know if we are in the ballpark or need to cut down some (which I imagine we will, as DH has been adding and adding to it).

Today was sunny and 46 degrees. It felt so warm out when I went to the post office. We still have snow on the ground, but not very much. And guess what happened last night. DH was on the phone with his dad about 8:30 and was looking out the guest bedroom window. Sees a couple deer walking down the street. Get up this morning and all the thuja trees we planted on one side of our fence had pretty much been stripped clean LOL. We could see the print track from neighbors yard over to ours and they just jumped the 4' chain link fence and had themselves a feast.  Oh well. We thought maybe being in town and having the fence we'd be ok planting those. I'm sure they will now be back for the ones along the other side of property.

I forgot I get off next Monday for Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday. Looking forward to another 3 day weekend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry-Double posted my reply so deleted one!Your reasoning for talking her out of the trip is a good one! Had that not been the case, I would encourage you to look at the opportunity that $500 would give you, alone travel with your daughter (though it wouldn't need to be Hawaii). After the year of too many youngish people passing away too early, if the money is there, I'm going to use it to expereince things with my family. It sounds though like you will have lots of great family time in the plannning and leading up to the wedding, so congratualtions.

    1. thanks for commenting! We did look into a trip to Disneyland. I thought that might be cheaper and we could cut down a day of hotel, but it was just as much. I told her I'd be just as happy if she used a bit of that money for a few more visits to see me this year :)

  3. Goodness, I hope she says yes! (I'm sure she will but ....). Anna
