Saturday, January 6, 2018

A better day

Yesterday was a much better day for DH. I only had to work a half day and by early afternoon he asked if I wanted to go pick out a framed picture/art that was one of my "sticky note" Christmas gifts. I had seen a wolf painting I liked at a big touristy gift shop that is at a neighboring town, a month ago when I went with neighbor friend to the craft fairs and shopping. Of course, now I didn't see it (I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like) on the wall with all many pictures they have in their "gallery" area. We have a very blank wall in this house that is part of our living room and then extends down to the hallway. We've never had anything hanging on that wall, but when I decorated for Christmas I hung a big hooked rug with a Santa there and it made that wall not look so bare. After I took down the Christmas decorations then that wall seemed really bare to us.

So, he was feeling much better and we drove over to the gift shop. Since they didn't have the picture I recalled I liked, we found another one, bigger, we both liked and a smaller one too. We ended up getting both! It's really hard to take a good picture of the wall it's hanging on. Still looks like a big empty wall, but it really doesn't.
 There was already a nail hanging there from previous owner, so we just used that.
This is the bedroom one. Again, already a nail hanging there and now we have something we like that fits that space. I don't like/want dead animals hanging all over my walls (like most people's homes are around here!), so pictures will be there instead. LOL  I know I'll be able to use these in our new house, somewhere.

We stopped at the burger drive through across the street and that was dinner. In the early evening the cabinet lady finally sent over her quote, so that gave us something to look at and go over all evening. We were happy that her quote pretty much came in at what the builder had done as his allowance on his quote to us. His quote was now almost 2 years ago and he is doing up a new one, which we assume will be higher. Plus the cabinet quote included laundry room, which we hadn't talked with her about, so that was even better. She also sent a 3-D type drawing of what our kitchen would kind of look like, so that was awesome. Now I can really picture myself standing in the kitchen with cabinets around me.

I still have this stupid headache!


  1. I like the pictures. They are both nice. I like the doggie too!
    Do you have any Allegra type medication? That might help.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. that's my sweet older dog :). I've been taking some generic sinus medication that is for sinus headaches and that is helping for the most part.

  2. Are you sure this is not a tension headache? I am so glad your husband is better. I have fibromyalgia and know how pain all over can feel. I am quite sure his was worse than any pain I have ever had.

    1. it could be. I just don't usually get them for days and days, whereas when my annual winter sinus attack hits it lasts a week or two.
