Friday, July 28, 2017


Good gravy! It's Friday already. Where did this week go? I slept terrible last night and I know I'll be ready for a nap this afternoon, which doesn't work too well when I need to be working. DH was having trouble sleeping too,after he came to bed, so he went and slept on the guest bed. I thought then I'd have a better night, but I woke up like every half hour, it seemed.

Payday is Monday, but since we have direct deposit the Monday checks hit my bank account on Saturday. I always like that, LOL. The end of  month is my favorite pay day because I also get paid from my side job.

I'm finally getting use out of my little Magic Bullet blender. I've been making us strawberry banana smoothies every day and the little thing works great and fast. According to a better diet for being "pre-diabetic" is more fruits and veggies, so we are working on the fruit part. That is easier - because they taste way better than veggies! Most dinners we have a veggie with it.....but with this ridiculous heat I haven't been cooking much of my regular meals. I've been trying to make salads with our meals. DH also likes cucumbers in his salad, so there's an extra veggie, too.

I'm having a good month using Swagbucks. My weekly online Walmart purchases (food and stuff with free 2 day shipping) were at a higher cash back percentage for awhile. I've landed some surveys and earned some bonus's from Swago and Spin and Win (which I wasn't aware of before). I earned double my next survey points and ended up with $3 from that survey. I also discovered I could get more points doing the Daily Discovers and have been working on making my daily points goals, so that I earn more bonus. I'm currently (this year) up to $110 with another $12 pending from purchases. I'm just looking at it like a little savings account and haven't cashed anything in yet.

99 to 102 degrees in the forecast for all next week. Good grief! Bring back the snow!


  1. I was considering the bullet when we move in the house. My daughter loves to make smoothies and the blender was just a mess, plus there was a lot of waste. I was thinking the individual size of it would be better.

    Last night was a bad one all around - our electricity went out, so we had to deal with that. I am tired today too. No nap for the weary though!

    1. I got it really cheap on a Kohl's deal. The single size works great for me. I just put in some cut up strawberries (probably wouldn't even need to cut them, but makes for a bit more room in the cup), a banana broken up in pieces, some ice and pour over some orange juice. Pop it on the base and lock it and in like 20-30 seconds it's ready and quick to clean, too.

  2. I really need something to make smoothies. Will this one handle frozen strawberry slices or greens?

    1. the manual/recipe book that came with it says it will handle frozen strawberry (which I plan to use in the winter). It blends up the ice chunks for the smoothie, and I'm sure it would do greens - it chops/blends up just about anything. I've chopped yellow onion with it before.

    2. Thanks, I never put ice in my smoothie. I put frozen fruit. I would hate to buy something and burn out the motor.
