Friday, July 14, 2017

I drive myself nuts

One of the things I often times dislike about myself is my ability to make a decisions when it comes to purchases. I over think them to death - especially with trying to get the best deal. Then when I do come across a great deal, I question if it's the style or whatever that I really want, yada, yada, yada.

So, I've been thinking it would be smart of me to keep my eye out for great deals on things we would need for the new house. I said to DH that I sure wish we had some storage space because I'd like to spend the next year buying things for the new house if I come across a really good deal (like I did on the xmas tree awhile back) and he said to just buy the stuff - he will make room (he's a master organizer). We also have some storage room in the crawl space under the house we could use (and it was like 50 degrees down there all winter) Like we will need some bar stools for the bar counter between kitchen and dining room. Bar stools seem to run at least $75 for good ones (and of course on up in price). I really don't even know for sure what style I want......or what height I will end up needing - bar stool height or counter height.

But, I came across a really good deal through Kohl's - making the bar stools $28 ea, plus I'd get 4% in Swagbucks and 1% in debit card rewards back, making them $26.60 ea.  I like the bar stools just fine. They have wood, metal and a neutral color seat cushion. They are regularly priced $150 for a set of 2 (I will need 4) on sale for $90, plus the coupons, etc. The reviews are good on them. They would look perfectly fine in my new home.

We aren't going to have a huge budget to furnish this place. I want to bargain shop on anything I can. I even have a list I  made of each room and stuff I will need for it and estimated costs. This purchase would save me $150 from what I budgeted ($300 for 4 bar stools).

But I've kinda had in mind something stools a bit more rustic - all wood and with no backs. They have those, but at twice the price as the great deal on the one's with the backs. Plus the one's with the backs are adjustable height when you put them together. And since I don't know yet if my island bar seating area will end up counter or bar height, this stool would be good.

But if I bought a different one and went ahead and got bar height, I could always return them if my mind changed down the road. I looked up Kohl's return policy and it says they can go back 36 months and credit your Kohl's card.

So while I typed this, looked at the different bar stools some more, typed this some more, went to dinner (cuz it's 103 freaking degrees out and I'm not cooking!), compared stools some more, and then back here typing this......I'm wearing myself out! Now I'm kind of liking the ones with the back better. Ok, I've decided...... I think........I'll get the cheaper/best deal ones. They'll be kept in a box until we get our house built and if I change my mind I can return and exchange for something else, right?!

 Besides, $26 for some nice bar stools is a darn good deal.

Good lord - and I'm going to put myself through all this for just about every purchase? EEK! Oh, and the coffee maker I was thinking about with the  points promo through work, where I would get it free? Well, I think I've changed my mind altogether again. One of the items to choose is a nice wood cased dart board. We would love to have one of those in our bonus room over the garage. DH thought it was a good idea to get, too. Something for the house we could use  - and free! I'm not a major coffee drinker and if/when my Keurig (I had rec'd as a gift) dies I'll get something cheaper. I think this points promo deal through work is an annual thing so maybe next year I'll get some more points to get a coffee maker.


  1. Not to throw a monkey wrench into your thought process, but what if you don't end up building in the next three years? Plus will you need to sell your current home before building? If so, realtors usually recommend downsizing personal possessions before listing your home. Yes they are nice bar stools and at a great price, but the one thing about deals is that in most cases, you can usually find another equally great deal.

    1. Too late - I pulled the trigger already LOL. I really don't think I'll find something I'd like for $26 ea (plus I'm getting $20 in Kohl's cash back). We've already downsized about as much as we can for living in this small house. All our extra stuff is stored (most still in bins) in the shop and the garage and DH can organize a bit more for a few extra items, if he has to. We do have a bunch of space down in the crawl space we are not using for anything (though the previous owner left a few boxes I think they forgot about). Our house is not cluttered and won't be for showing. If our realtor thinks we need to get rid of stuff in the garage and the shop to show the house, we'll just have to get some temporary storage for awhile and remove a few large items, I guess. If we don't build a house, I guess I can re-sell the chairs new in box. Heck I'd probably be able to make money on them, as cheap as I am getting them. Waiting until I can find an equally good deal just seems to add to my craziness...I keep waiting and looking and waiting and looking and comparing. At some point it's a bit much, even for me. In my list of things we'll need for the house I had estimated $300 for 4 bar stools. I've saved almost $200, so I think it was a smart purchase

    2. I'm eager to see you build! It was a dream of ours for a loooong time until we found the house in which we now live. Guess I'll just need to live vicariously through you and Jennifer! Lol

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think they will go well with most decor style and look nice.

  3. I like the way you weigh all the options, even after you make a decision. I really don't think you overthink. If you have 36 months to take them back, make sure you at least look at them before that time is up to make sure they are not damaged and are what you want. I once bought a dryer before a move and just left it in the box for the move. It was the wrong color.

    1. you should see me trying to pick out a hotel on expedia. I annoy myself LOL. That is a great idea to open the boxes when I get them!

  4. I wish I would weigh my options even longer before buying anything. sometimes the research is part of the fun. Just don't get into the feeling of buyers remorse-just accept you did great due diligence and enjoy your planning.

    1. Thanks you. That's what I finally told myself. Just accept that they are a great price, nice chairs and I did good :)
