Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Just watching the progress

Not much has been going on here, other than DH has been spending quite a bit of the last few days at the property. The guy should be done by mid day today. When he got done yesterday he told DH he just had a couple more hours of work.  It appears we will come in at or maybe even under budget with this project, which is very nice.

This picture was taken standing at what will be the master bathroom tub window, looking out toward front of property/road
Of course it will look different with landscaping and lawn. That bank area to the right will be a rockery type wall. If we have some money left over from this project, DH might get started on that project.

With the extremely hot weather there was some lightning Sunday night causing some fires in the area. We just have a volunteer fire dept so they have been busy up in the hills. They have headquartered and the 2 helicopters come in at the little airport a few miles from us. On Monday, after I got done working, as we were going out to the property so I could see it, we stopped in town at the grocery store and bought some ice cream sandwiches and put in a cooler of ice. We stopped at the little airstrip and dropped them off to the fire fighter guys. They seemed appreciative of the gesture and I'm sure was nice to have something cold to snack on.

It's been really nice having DH out of the house for part of the days this week. The weather is cooling down a little bit. 90 and low 90', though I'd much prefer about 10 to 15 degrees cooler!


  1. I know what it was like watching that land get cleared. It gets exciting again after the electric and plumbing in the walls are done and they start insulating! Then you get really excited because there are faucets and tubs and walls and lights and it all looks real! LOL I am jealous of your short summers! We get that high and stay there for 4-5 months. Exhausting. I cannot wait until you start building! Knowing the process now, it is incredibly interesting!

    1. I wish we could keep going with the progress, but that's all our funds will allow for now on what we are paying with cash. These past 9 months have gone by fast and I'm sure the next 9 months until we can start building will too

  2. I don't know how those of you in these hot states handle the heat! Fun watching the progress on your land!

    1. We don't handle it haha! We come from mild temps so this is new to us. We stay inside for most of it. I'm missing getting out and doing our little hikes.
