Monday, July 31, 2017


My new blanket for the end of the guest bed arrived today and I'm very pleased with the color and it matching the pillows on the bed. I sent a photo to DD and told her it was regularly $120 at Kohl's and I got it for $20. She had the same exact thought I did when I saw the non-sale price: who in the heck would pay $120 for a blanket?!

Another 96 degree day. I finally looked up a recipe for chicken in my crockpot, so I can start using up some of this chicken in my freezer. I'm not turning my oven on 350 or 375 for 45 minutes to an hour to bake one of my regular chicken recipes.  The house gets way too hot and it's warm enough as it is.
Hopefully we like the recipe. It's most of the ingredients that I normally use. Chicken, rice, cream of mushroom soup, milk, etc.

I got a notice in the mail that I'm supposed to serve for jury duty in my old city.  Sorry, no can do. LOL. They had a place on their website where you could tell them why you need to be excused. DH got a notice for jury duty here - it's a YEAR long service here! He sent his card back in, but hasn't heard anymore. I guess there have been a few trials this month and a couple scheduled for next month. They all appear to be drug cases. Can you just see DH sitting on a drug trail?!! Guilty! He despises druggies and drug dealers.


  1. Very pretty color! I don't envy those of you dealing with those high temps. Way too hot for me!

    1. Thanks! Way too hot for me too. I'm not used to this kind of hot weather at all.

  2. Looks really pretty. Good job!!

    1. Thanks! I feel like that's the last thing I needed to tie this room together.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! Trying to decorate around a big buffalo is tricky LOL, but DH LOVES that painting, so I had to make it work :)
