Monday, July 10, 2017

Out of the mouth's of babes

DH was outside watering last night and 5 year old neighbor was outside. This is what DH learned: Their dog has fleas, they are moving, not sure when, but maybe to Texas where they can do what they want, but they'd like to stay here in this town and do what they want, too.

All my Texas friends.....sorry! LOL.

Speaking of their dog - that poor thing has been getting left in their house for 15+ hours at a time. It's making me so mad. Wife left with the kids on Thursday and hasn't come back. Guy left for work 6am Friday morning. Got home 9:00 Friday night. Did let the dog out for 2 minutes and then he left again. He left for work 6am Saturday morning and didn't get home until like 9:45pm. It's 100 degrees outside. Gotta be at least 85 inside their house. Even with our little a/c unit, by evening it still gets 80 inside our house.

Sunday afternoon guy left for a couple of hours - returned with his 2 little kids, no wife. He doesn't work Sunday or Monday, so he must have to "babysit" today. She and the kids must be staying with someone in the city, while she works, since she works nights/he days and we don't think the car she has to drive is too reliable to drive 110 miles a day (not to mention in over 100 degree heat).

This heat is ridiculous! Today and tomorrow we get a break at 87, but then back too 100 for at least another week. I looked up average weather in this area - it's supposed to be 86 in July and August. I don't even want to see my next electricity bill, having to run this a/c unit all day and half the night.

I'm back to work this morning, only I can't get logged in remotely for some reason. My boss had told me that Friday before that they were moving my computer to another spot, so I emailed her this morning to let her know I can't log in and was it possibly because of my computer getting moved and she said they didn't move it. So now I'll probably have to spend the next hour or two getting our IT company to handle that. I emailed my boss back "is my computer turned off?" as that is the first thing that needs to be checked.

Well, that's strange. My remote log in is set up with my name/DESK. I used to log in with an IP address and a few of the ones I've had to use over the years are still saved in my remote desktop so I tried the most recent one and that worked. Wonder why my name one isn't working. Oh well, I'm back to work!!


  1. Good Lord - send them somewhere else! Not to Texas! Luckily, this is exactly why we moved into a HOA neighborhood - with light regulations, but regulations nonetheless.

    1. Our our very light too, but they can't even manage that. DH has a good friend who lives in TX - he already texted him to apologize LOL. I really doubt that's where they are moving - probably made some kind of comment like "maybe we should just move to TX so we have lots of room to do what we want" and the little guy overheard it.

    2. that was terrible typing! I meant to say ours are very light too. Good grief!

  2. Phew...I feel like I dodged a huge bullet with your crappy neighbors! Lol. Try and stay cool. I can't even begin to imagine that kind of heat!

    1. I'm hoping since we've heard the "they are moving" more than once now, it really will happen.

    2. Fingers crossed that they do move!

  3. Replies
    1. Thankfully they've been keeping quiet and cleaned up a majority of the junk. It sounds like the developer got through to the lady that owns the house. It also helps that their older daughter flew the coop - she had a lot of drama going on and was always outside at midnight walking around their driveway or out front talking on her phone. Still hoping they move though!
