Sunday, July 30, 2017

I am not ready for it to be Monday already. This hot weather stinks. Another week coming up in the high 90's. Every. Single. Day. I've lost track of how long we've had these temps - at least a month now. The wild fire just keeps getting worse and they just keep bringing more people in to work on it. I think they are over 400 now.  DH watched the video of the community meeting they had last night about the fire.  That sheriff is such a pompous ass. I can't see how anyone can stand him. Honestly, at this point I would not be surprised if it gets the 2 miles farther and across the river to our property. They as much said so in the meeting video. Just this afternoon it has increased quite a bit of area. You can see a huge cloud of smoke from town now.

Yesterday we headed out about 8am for a long drive and went and picked up our sets of house and shop plans from the guy who did them up for us. We met him at a car show he was participating in, so we got to chat with him, look at some nice cars and get our plans. On the way home we stopped in the city to go to Target for some groceries and such and got some lunch. Then we stopped at our friends house for about an hour.

This morning our friends met us out at our property because friend wanted to see the site work done and DH wanted his opinion on a couple of things. DH also took his long wheel tape measure and carefully walked down the bank from the top edge of our property to the river edge. He's just been curious all along exactly just how far down it is! 185 ft. Yep we are high bank. LOL  That's ok, no chance of ever flooding.  We also found out that lot 7 (we are lot 3) finally sold. I think that guy has been trying to sell it for like 2 years. It was the first lot we looked at (it's 3 acres, the rest are 2) but it's a wierd pie shaped lot and the builder said it's really only about 1/2 acre of usable/build-able area, plus from that little 1/2 acre it was set back far enough you couldn't see the river.  Apparently a young couple bought it, but have no idea if they are planning to build soon or what.


  1. Are you sure it cannot flood? I would fear a flood more than fire. At this point with no house, I suppose either is no so scary for you. I can stand our heat and horrid humidity because I know it will not get too cold or have too much snow, if any, this winter.

    1. Yes, we're sure. There is no way that river is going to ever rise 185 feet. Thankfully we don't get much humidity here.

  2. We got to Missoula MT tonight and you could smell smoke as soon as you opened the car door. Two different wildfires nearby. I thought some restaurant nearby was cooking bbq. lolz

    1. yep, it's smokey air, that's for sure. We need some rain!

  3. I hope the fire doesn't reach your property. Stay safe!

    1. Yes, it would be terrible for our neighbors, though their house is a concrete log home, so other than their roof, they supposedly won't burn (but can you imagine the smoke damage inside?). It would be sad to lose all our trees, but according to DH, I guess (?) the good thing, if it did burn, we'd most likely never have to worry about a major forest fire in our area again for a very long time (not in our lifetime left).

  4. We had a small fire close to our property recently. It was contained in 3 days, so no major threat, but it started under suspicious circumstances. Fire is our biggest threat with all the trees, but I would not change it for a minute. I hope they get it under control soon - come on rain!

    1. This one was started by lightning and was only 3 acres to begin with (in a very remote area). It is now over 6000 acres :(

  5. I hope the fire doesn't reach your property, although if it is just woodland it can be a bonus to get it cleared and hence safer for later. I hope no-one loses their homes though (or more importantly, their lives). Anna

    1. yes, if it burns, it will definitely be safer for later, though we did hope to leave some trees, but better than being in the process of building this summer and worrying about it! I haven't heard that anyone has lost their home yet, though a young firefighter did lose his life in a different fire last month. Very sad.
