Thursday, July 6, 2017

Mid week on vacation

We're not big fireworks fans, so it was a much quieter 4th of July living here in this small town compared to what we've lived with the past years. Previously it was like being in a war zone. Non-stop from every direction until like 2am. M-80's going off days before the 4th. Here was a little bit of fireworks noise and much nicer!

We took a drive in the afternoon, heading up another logging road up into the mountains we hadn't been on yet. The day before, when I was driving home from the city and about 15 miles from home my tire pressure alert came on my dash. Nothing seemed amiss, though I slowed down and stayed behind a truck the rest of the way and told DH about it.  I assumed he went and checked it out - apparently not!

As we are several miles up this logging road (and going down the other side of the mountain) when the tire pressure alert came on again and my left rear tire was reading like 24 pounds of air pressure and kept going down. We turned right around and started back up and when we got to the top it was down to 9 pounds. DH was trying to get up to the top, to change it. It had a bolt in it. He put on the little donut tire and we drove back down the few miles to the bottom and then the 10 miles back to our house via a side road, rather than getting back on the freeway.

This morning DH went to go over to the tire guy's place nearby and before he left he sees that the other back tire also has a bolt in it! Hmm....what are the odds of that? Seems a bit suspicious to me.......DH then had to leave the whole car at the tire guys place, rather than just drop off the one tire to get it fixed, so he walked home (just a few blocks). Later we walked back and got my car, $40 poorer.

After we got back home our neighbor lady friend across the street was walking by and we talked to her a bit and told her our car had bolts in both back tires and we just had gotten it fixed. She was like "hmm...that seems a bit suspicious" and I said that's exactly what I thought! I could see running over one bolt or nail somewhere, but not two at same time. She was suspecting our crappy neighbors, too. Who knows how it happened, but I guess we'll have to keep an eye out in our driveway before we leave anymore, just to make sure nothing is there.

We decided to go do a little antique store shopping. There's an antique store here in town I've been wanting to go to and just haven't stopped in yet. Wouldn't you know it was closed today, for some reason. There is a big antique store in neighboring town so we drove over there. So much neat stuff, but so much of what we like is like at least $300. I ended up spending $18 on two old books and a rusty old metal teapot. We were looking for an antique hand water pump, but the only one they had was really big/tall and $175. I wanted something smaller sized. We saw the neatest wooden box that was a case for cards, dice, poker chips, etc. and all the game stuff inside it was antique too. It was the neatest thing and we both loved it, but $355. Someday, maybe LOL

On the way back (we had the dogs with us) we stopped at the boat launch in town. That part of the river was calm and I rolled up my capris and waded in and got the dogs to come in. They have never been in water, but I got them to walk around in it a bit. Older lab seemed to enjoy it more. It was 98 degrees today and the water was way warmer than I expected it to be. It felt so nice and cool. We were going to go eat dinner at the restaurant after we got back home but nothing sounded good to either of us, so we had a bowl of cereal instead. Too hot too heat up the house even more with cooking.


  1. Do you think you should get security cameras around the outside of your house?

  2. I hate days when it feels too hot to cook. Here central air is just about required

  3. Angie beat me to it. You had cameras back at your old house. Did you take the equipment with you or left them installed at the old house? If I were you, I would put security cameras again.

  4. Having to put up a camera kind of defeats one of the main purposes of moving here! Wanted to get away from that kind of life. I told DH when we moved - no more camera's. He spent all his time watching our old cameras. Such a waste of life. We left the camera system installed at the old house. I'm not even sure this slower internet here would work with it. We don't even know if it was from the neighbors(I had driven into the city to go to the vet the day before) - just a bit suspicious, so we'll keep our eye on the driveway before we go somewhere just to make sure.

  5. It does seem suspicious doesn't it. Let's hope they end up moving out. Anna

  6. I hear ya on the too hot to cook so I had cheesecake for dinner last night. YUM!

    1. Omg! We went to our town restaurant for dinner tonight and that's what I had for dinner! YUM is right.

  7. I went to have a tire checked because I saw a screw in it. When they got it on the rack, they told me to come see. There was a screw in the other back tire in exactly the same place on the tire and the one I saw.

    I had a neighbor who was in construction. The streetgutter was littered with nails. They came from the bed of his pickup and his trailer. Then, the rain washed them down to my end of the street. The guy might be innocent of doing anything to hurt your tire, just guilty of leaving trash to ruin a tire.

    I went past construction in the shopping center and went to the tire place. The guy asked me if I had been in this shopping center. Dismayed, I said I had. He said he had more business removing construction debris from tires. Now, I NEVER drive past construction, AND as I go to the mailbox, I check the end of the driveway and scan the road right in front of my house. It's just a habit now.

    I don't think cameras are just for high-crime areas. They make sense anywhere.

    1. One of the reasons we were thinking it might be the neighbor who did it was he's a mechanic - he uses bolts (not nails) and both in my tires were bolts. Hopefully it was just a fluke and wasn't him, but we'll keep an eye on our driveway for awhile.
