Monday, July 3, 2017

A doctor kind of day and other money matters

I went with DH to his doctor appointment this morning, so he could get his cholesterol medication refilled. We can literally walk to the office, so we did. LOL. The lady that works their front desk was at one of the book club meetings where there was a huge turnout and I was overwhelmed. I thought she looked familiar and after I got back in the exam room, it dawned on me where I had seen her before, so when we checked out I asked her if I had met her before at a bookclub meeting and she said "yes! after you went back in the exam room, I knew I had seen you somewhere before".

This afternoon I took younger (5 year old) pooch to the vet for an annual exam and vaccinations. Ok, so I mentioned before I had went ahead and budgeted $150, because that's about what I spent where I used to live. So, I go to the check out desk and she says $50. OMG! I about fell over.  $20 for the exam and $30 for the shots. I love living here LOL. He's a big 80 pound baby. After I checked us in and went to sit on the bench in the waiting room, he tried to climb up into my lap because he was scared.

I got my mortgage payment update in the mail today. My payment went down $13 (property taxes went down). So, now I have officially made up the extra $36 a month I increased my budget with the long term disability insurance. $24 a month saved by cutting down satellite services and $13 on my mortgage.

OH OH OH! and Friday morning we hit our sales goal for mid year (and then some) and we will be getting 5% of our salary bonus payouts next Monday. Wooohoooo!!!


  1. A fifty buck vet bill is incredible!
    Also congratulations on the bonus situation!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! wish we didn't always have to sweat it out until the last day, but we always seem to make the goal, at least :)

  3. I cannot afford any vet bill, so I don't have pets other than chickens. I am looking forward to the day my phone contract runs out so I can get the phone card and save 50% on cell phone bill. Three more months to go!

    1. I had done up an annual estimated budget when we moved here - some things are higher cost then I anticipated but at least I can now reduce the annual vet bills on my budget to a much lower amount.

  4. I think it is awesome how you manage the budget. I peek in from time to time - especially holidays and long weekends when I get extra time. You always inspire me. We did the Dave Ramsey thing a while back and worked out of debt (except for house payment but we did re do it so it's a 15 year instead of 30). Then the daughter got married and that was overwhelming so we had to charge some things. But we did pay cash for college having started Dave Ramsey just in time a few years before to pull that off. WE do allow things like having 1 payment of a 12 month same as cash - no interest deals from time to time. Now it's time to remodel the kitchen. lol But getting Hubster on board is another issue. Ya'll have a good 4th! Oh our oldest dog is on two heart meds now so we end up spending a chunk on vet bill but not too bad.

    1. Hi Sonya - thanks for stopping by for a comment! We were very lucky that my parents set aside money for DD's college (plus she did her best to keep the cost down by doing her first 2 years while in high school) - otherwise she would have had debt because we couldn't have afforded to take on debt again.

  5. Congrats on the bonus! I have such a hard time budgeting but I am a work in progress
