Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Pondering another expense item and construction

Another expense I am wondering about is CO Q10. DH's doctor told him to start taking it when he went on a statin med, several years ago. My doctor never said anything about it when she put me on statin. When I was reading up on it it says that it's common to have your natural coQ10 depleted by statins. But how do you really know it is? I started taking it several months ago, because it seemed like probably a good idea, but how do I really know I really need it? Apparently there isn't a way to check. But it's also another $9 a month I'm spending that who knows if I really need to.......or is it just another thing promoted by the makers of this kind of stuff that makes you think you need it? I'll keep DH on his still, but ask the doctor next time I go in about me needing to take it.

DH needed a new pair of tennis shoes. He likes the New Balance brand. He has one older pair for working out in the yard, etc and another pair for nicer wear. As his old ones wear out, he rotates in the nicer one's and gets a new pair. The cheapest I could find was $52 on Amazon. I did my best to search for a better deal, using coupons, but then the shipping (like Kohl's and JCP) made it higher.

We had our propane tank filled up yesterday. The summer rate is $1.19 a gallon. I think we paid .99 a gallon when we paid for the prorated propane left in the tank when we purchased the house. Apparently we have a 500 gallon tank, but they only fill it 80%......and then the guy told DH since it's so hot out, they will only fill it 72% full.  Anyhow, he put in 200 gallons to fill us up. The previous owners filled it up last August and then when we closed on the house first of last October, we paid for the gallons left in the tank at that time. I also have an annual $75 tank rental that is due this month.

The site work guy finally called DH back, so DH went out to the property to meet up with him and get his estimate. He didn't have a good solid estimate from him yet. The guy doesn't have a dozer, but does have a backhoe. He knows another guy who has a dozer, who could probably come out and do that part, while he does the rest with the backhoe. He didn't think it would take much more than 2 days work (ok, so let's estimate 3 days) and at about $1000 a day DH is thinking $3000 max.  The guy called back last evening and confirmed he can get the dozer. Hourly rental on each machine is $100 (that is a good rate) and estimating at around $3000, which is what DH thought, maybe $3500, so if they come in under $3500 we will be happy. The brother in law of DH's friend estimated more like $5000-$6000. Plus this guy is more experienced and can get started pretty soon and I have that much money, no problem. Then we will continue saving for getting the well and septic paid with cash. Might have to do those next spring, when I hopefully get my second half of the bonus at year end.

It will be nice to get some work done on the property and feel like we are actually making some progress now towards building a house, rather than just sitting here waiting for the bankruptcy to be 7 years past. We filed end of August 7 years ago and discharged December 1, 7 years ago. When I was trying to apply for a construction loan everyone kept telling me we needed to be 7 years past. I'm sure now they'll have some other criteria, my luck.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! When DH was done with the site prep guy he and the dogs took the steep path down to the rivers edge (we are on high bank property). He took a video. The river is getting lower all the time and looked so relaxing with it's slower flow.

  2. This is exciting! I'm glad to read that you intend to cash flow so much of the prep work!

    1. We are hoping we can pay cash for all the site prep. I need to look up my notes and see what the septic and well estimate costs are. It's been over a year now since I got all that and now I can't remember. I want to say the well and septic would be about $10k total, maybe it was $15k

  3. My friend wore NB for years. He cannot get to his shoes to tie them, so this time he bought a Dr. Scholl pair for under $30. He likes them. Got them at WM.

    I'm glad your work is coming along so well.

    1. DH finds something he likes and doesn't like to change......until years go by and they stop making something or change the style haha. Remember the Red swoosh Nike's from the 80's... LOL He'd still wear those if he could haha!
