Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Extra money and trying to save more

My boss is mailing me my bonus check. The company always does bonus checks live, rather than direct deposit. Wanna know why? Goes back many years to several employees not wanting their significant other to know they got a bonus and wanted a check they could deposit, rather than direct deposit. Been there done that myself! So DH wouldn't spend it on crap.

The even better news? It was more than I expected after taxes taken out. I'm not sure why, but the 25% federal tax rate wasn't used. It has always been used for bonus checks in the past (and I hate it) so I was very pleasantly surprised that the net check was $653 more than I was expecting! More money towards my savings for doing the site prep work on our property. Initial estimate was we need about $6000 and I have $5,000 (with bonus). By the end of July paycheck I will have $6500.  DH called another guy up to give us an estimate, but of course, as with everyone around here - it either doesn't happen or takes forever for them to get back to you.

I learned something about ticks. Ticks are new to us, didn't have them in our old area. I didn't realize they were a seasonal thing - at least they are here. The heat by mid July takes care of them, but our neighbor friend said it was more like end of June this year. I give my dogs Advecta (comparable to Advantage) but realized it doesn't protect against ticks, so last month I bought some Frontline, which is much more expensive. I was about to order some more, so I'm glad I found out that I don't need the tick protection for now. It's just a late spring/early summer thing. I think I paid $42 for a 3 pack of Frontline - $14 each application and I can get a 4 pack of Advecta online for $18 - $5 each application x 2 dogs is $18 a month savings over what I thought I was going to have to start forking out. Prices for Advecta at Walmart at Target are $32 for a 4 pack. Much cheaper through Amazon. I'll just have to remember to use something like Frontline for a few months when tick season rolls around again next year.

Speaking of flea treatments - is it really necessary to give in the very cold winter months? I wouldn't think we'd have fleas around when there is 2 feet of snow on the ground for several months. Just trying to figure out if I can save a little there........We previously lived where it was pretty mild temps all year, so I always gave the flea treatments year round.

I give our older dog Cosequin for his joints per vets recommendation before we moved. For awhile last month I was started giving it to our younger (now 5 years old) dog, but I stopped. They are expensive and if he's fine with his joints, there is no reason to. He's very active and doesn't seem to have any problems with his joints. A 30 day supply is costing me about $14. I thought I had found a better deal on a bottle of 250 (same brand but different formula I guess) but in looking at the dosage, I realized you had to give two pills, rather than the 1 pill a day of what I am currently buying - negating the savings.Oh well. I tried.

DD and her co-workers are very sad. A co-worker had been missing for the past 2 weeks was found dead. He worked in a different department and she really didn't know him, but very sad deal. No details yet on what might have happened.

We get one more "cooler" day today at 85. It really makes a difference, rather than it being 100 or more. Back to high 90's and 100 the rest of the week. I would love for a cool rainy day! I do miss my rain.


  1. Our site prep - well, the clay pad (select fill - a mixer of sand and clay from what I understand) cost $3,000 over the estimate because of the slope of the land. You could not see it because of the brush. Keep that in mind with site prep - unless you have cleared the brush and see how flat or not flat the land is!

    1. yes, I'm going to make sure we have extra, because I'm sure it will end up costing more. We don't have any brush really, just trees

  2. Since you just moved there recently, are you sure that fleas are even a problem in your area? Here in eastern WA we have ticks, but no fleas. No fleas when I lived in Colorado either. Fleas were definitely a problem when we lived in western WA, but I always thought it was due to the more humid climate.

    1. good question - though our 5 year old neighbor told DH their dog has fleas LOL.

  3. I never heard of a place with no fleas. They were in NY when vising in-laws. Fleas live in the house, so can live on the dogs or cats.

  4. The spray stuff DH uses around the perimeter of our house once a month for ants also kills fleas. I'm just thinking that maybe when it's 10 below zero in the winter and we don't have fleas in the house to begin with I'm probably safe taking a break from using the flea treatment for a few months

  5. We've never had a problem with fleas and don't even treat our boys for them. Ticks on the other hand, is another story. This year we went with an oral that is supposed to last 4 months. At $50 for each dog, it wasn't cheap!

    Congrats on the bonus check!

    1. Lucky you that there are no fleas. I'm definitely going to cut out the winter months.
