Thursday, July 13, 2017

Coffee and espresso brewers

I've been trying to decide what to use my points on that I earned at work with one of our manufacturer's promo's. My Keurig is about 5 years old. Not sure what the life span is on these things. I know for some reason I can't use pods anymore, it clogs up and I get about 1/3 of a cup. Which isn't a problem because I stopped using the expensive pods a long time ago and use an adapter with my own coffee. Much much cheaper.

My options to choose from are are Ninja Coffee Bar 5 Brew types......this guy:

it's a pod free single serve system with frother. Makes hot and cold drinks

or there's one from Capresso

I really don't know anything about either one, but apparently both can use your own coffee. But does this 2nd one even make a regular cup of coffee?  I've never had the capability to make "fancy coffee" for my home made coffee - just a regular cup of coffee with some sugar and vanilla creamer in it.....but when I got to a coffee stand/shop I usually get a white chocolate mocha or a caramel frappaccino. White mocha's are my very favorite and if I could have/make something like once in awhile, I'd love it. But, I'd still like to be able to just make a regular cup of coffee. I don't need anything really that makes more than a cup at a time. I can only have one cup a day (due to my caffeine reaction) and DH doesn't drink it.

I'm thinking the Ninja coffee bar might be more to my liking. Does anyone have either of these machines?

I really don't know what else to get with the points. They have luggage with the spinning wheels, which would be nice when traveling (my wheels are one direction) but my suitcase is fine and I'll maybe fly once a year. I don't need pots and pans or hunting or fishing gear. I imagine my Keurig has less life in it than more life left.


  1. Before you give up on your Keurig try the vinegar wash to clean the innerds and shove the end of a paper clip (metal only) to clean the tubes where the water come out (mine has 3) It seems to work wonders on my machine.

    1. I haven't really given up on my Keurig. It works find for what I use it for every morning. I just don't know what free thing(s) to get with my points!

  2. I have the ninja, and I love, love, love it. I bought mine to replace my tassimo.

    The only issue I found was using the permanent filter left grinds in my coffees, I switched to paper filters and never had that problem again.

    1. Thanks for commenting and letting me know! Good to know about the filter, too.

  3. I honestly have no clue. Always nice to have a backup...especially when it won't cost you anything!

    1. I know, free is good! And at some point I will need a new coffee maker. My keurig can't last forever

  4. I would try Anne's cure no matter what you do. If you are going to store it for backup, you don't want to store it gunky. If I had the new one, I would not be able to put it on a shelf and wait for the old one to die. I don't drink coffee at all, but it is a very nice machine.
