Friday, July 21, 2017

More online shopping

As part of my deal in buying the bar stools from Kohl's last week, I received $20 in Kohl's cash, but could not use it until yesterday. I've hardly been shopping online with Kohl's anymore because of the minimum order amount to get free shipping is usually more than what I'm looking to buy (and I just haven't been buying "stuff" for the most part). But this month is a free shipping code (FREE4JULY, when you use your Kohl's charge card) and my Kohl's cash became available to use today. Plus the 30% off code (BBQ30 - again have to use your Kohl's card) is still good to use.

I've been wanting a "burnt orange" colored blanket to go on the end of my guest bed and matching the burnt orange throw pillows (got cheap at Walmart awhile back - like 2 for $15). In my "new house stuff" budget, I had budgeted wanting to pay no more than $30 for the blanket. I haven't found anything the right color or that cheap yet. Blankets can be pricey!

But Kohl's has one on sale for $60 (reg $120 - good grief!), the color is "Spice" (and I'm hoping it matches well enough with the pillows). Because Kohl's let's you stack up to 4 coupon codes, I was also able to take advantage of the $10 off $50 home purchase coupon code, as well. I noted in my budget/paycheck for the end of this month to log in and pay off the Kohl's balance I charged on the card.

$10 off, then $20 Kohl's cash off, then 30% off the remaining balance brought it down to $20.99 and also free shipping. I also went through Swagbucks site and got another .84 cents cash back (4%). I'm pleased to get another item on my "house stuff list" that is under my budgeted amount by 33%.

One set of the bar stools showed up already yesterday. We haven't opened up the box yet, but we will to make sure it's all there and nothing broken. The funny FedEx guy told DH "it's official - you are regular-regular's now, instead of semi-regulars" LOL. I laughed and told DH that means there are other people who order more than me, haha!

1 comment:

  1. You cannot buy a blanket for $20 that will be of good quality. Good job on using all resources.
