Thursday, July 20, 2017


As we spend more time around DH's friend who lives in the area, we are coming to realize he may have a drinking problem. Not that we ever see him really drunk, but just that he always seems to have to drink - no matter what we are doing or time of day, it seems. We go to a car show in the later morning and by noon he's having some beer coolers he brought in a cooler in his trunk. We stop by for a visit or dinner at their house and he's always having a drink. We met them last Saturday at the restaurant and from photos his wife put on Instagram he was drinking as they floated the river and then he had a drink at the restaurant. They go camping on weekends a couple times a month and I know they drink the whole weekend.

I'm sure that is most likely causing a lot of the marriage/family problems he is having. How could it not? She seems to drink too, but since we don't spend quite as much time around her, I'm not sure how much. I know if we are having dinner with them she will have a drink and she will  post on Facebook going out for drinks with her girlfriends quite often.

It just seems like a person should be able to go do something for several hours in the morning/middle of the day and not have to drink alcohol. Plus then he drives! DH has said to him that he's really putting his job on the line (he drives a truck for a living) to lose his CDL license if he ever got a DUI. Many people in this part of the country still do a lot of drinking and driving, it appears.

I'm pretty sure he comes home from work every day and have drinks. (I've seen their booze cabinet!) Of course, who then would feel like dealing with problems/family when you've had a few......

I just find it sad that he feels he needs that so much.  There should be more to life than always have to have a drink every day.


  1. I have been around people like that. Those friendships did not go far because I don't feel the need to drink all the time. That threatens drinkers, I think. In Alaska, I think, it is legal to drink and drive. Too bad about your friends and their problems.

    1. I'm not sure that is true about Alaska. I think it's the same as other states where it's a pretty serious offense. We have a few relatives and friends that live up there.

    2. The way it was explained was that you could drink and drive as long as you were under the 0.08 limit. Here in AL, the alcohol cannot be in the vehicle cab. It's a technicality, I suppose.

  2. You may very well be right. My hubby and I don't drink at all (purely a personal choice) and I can only begin to imagine what it would do to our budget if we were to drink. I've never quite understood those who feel the need to drink so much.

    1. We don't drink at all, either, just a personal choice, as well. We'd go out or have friends over and have a couple of drinks (rarely) and the next morning I'd have a headache and have to get up and take care of the kids and DH would have to take care of his business. One day we said this is dumb, there is really no reason to drink at all and haven't had any in probably 15 years or more.

  3. I drink occasionally but even when I say I drink, it is either just a bottle of beer or a couple of glasses of red wine. The thing is, I do not like to lose control or behave differently than I normally do. I never drink and drive. I find it disgustingly irresponsible.

    1. I agree - drinking and driving is just completely unnecessary.
