Monday, April 24, 2017

Let the week begin

I finished a book I was reading on my library app last Wednesday evening. Then realized I had no more books downloaded to read! Everything in my "hold" list wasn't available yet. I was next in line for a couple of books, but since the lending period is up to 3 weeks, it could be anywhere from a day to 3 weeks wait.  I didn't feel like going through available books and seeing if anything caught my eye, so I just decided to wait it out. Which was not fun. There's not much on tv and I was getting bored!  Finally, last night I decided to find something to download and just as I did it, 3 of my books on hold became available, of course. One of the books I already ready about a month ago, but it is for my book club and it is the book we are discussing this Thursday, so I wanted to have it available to refer to and read the discussion questions. I went ahead and started reading the book I downloaded in my attempt to find something to read and it's pretty good. I guess it's been made into a movie - one of those YA dystopia society books, similar to Hunger Games, called The Maze Runner.

We finished planting all the little trees yesterday. We got 1/3 of them planted on Saturday afternoon before we ran out of time and energy. The ground here is a lot easier to dig in compared to our old house. Not very rocky at all, so that was easier on DH.

That's the alley in back, as well as the grouchy old neighbor lady. By the time those trees grow tall enough to block her either we'll be gone........or she will LOL.
This is the other side of our yard - just a vacant lot next door on that side.

I did get to relax a little bit (before I went outside to help DH put the trees in the holes he dug) and started watching the new Season of Bosch on Amazon Prime. One of my favorite shows and that will give me something to watch for 8 1/2 more episodes, when I am bored and looking for something on tv :)

DH is taking a look at our hot water heater today. It's nearing the end of it's life - was put in when the house was built and even though it's a 50 gallon heater (more than we had at our old house) we don't seem to have as much hot water as we did at our other house. He read you should flush your tank once a year. Did you know that? We didn't and have never done that as maintenance. So he did that. Don't think that is the problem - it all came out clear, no sediment causing any problem. Now he's trying to test the heating elements. He's you-tubing how to do it. He has a meter thingy but honestly, every time I've ever seen him use it on something, he has no idea how it works. LOL. Also, some videos he watched said if the tank is "gurgling" it's probably not the elements and it's just time for a new hot water heater. We have assumed we need a new one and that is the plan to go buy this weekend, after I get paid, but DH decided he'd at least see what he could do on his own to test/fix and maybe save us some bucks, if he can. Otherwise, we'll go get a new one (about $350-400). Get the benefit of more hot water and a good selling point that the house has a fairly new water heater when we go to sell.

Birds are enjoying our bird feeders. We sometimes see bunnies out in the yards and neighboring properties. One is just huge! As big as a big cat. We have yet to see any squirrels around here, but I did see a chipmunk in our back yard this morning.

I just realized yesterday afternoon I didn't make a meal plan for this week's dinners. I ended up making tuna casserole. I had bought some ingredients to try a salmon quiche but after planting trees, plus still being really sore from the yard work Saturday, I was too tired to try something new. I'll try it one night this week. Seems like a fairly easy recipe.


  1. I can't believe how much you get done in such a small amount of time. It takes me ages. I know I'm on my own but by the time I find the workman and so on I never seem to have the time off to do it. Can't wait for the day my son is confident enough to start doing some of this stuff. Anna

    1. DH is a slave driver LOL. It helped Saturday that he had his buddy and his son helping spread out all the compost over the grass seed. That saved DH a lot of time and aches. If it were just me nothing would get done - other than trying to hire someone and getting anyone to do home maintenance or repair jobs out in this area is like pulling teeth. So, it's either do it ourselves or pretty much not get it done. Our friend told DH that if we had hired someone to come in and put in the little bit of yard we have at this house it would have cost like $2000! Ridiculous. We have like $400 or $500 into the seed, starter fertilizer and compost and DH gave his buddy and his some some money for helping.

  2. Your yard is looking great! There will come a day after you've sold that you'll drive by and be amazed at what a difference you made to the property!

    Our last house had an electric water heater and it always seemed to have a lot of sediment. I devised a small spoon attached to a stick and would scoop it out (via the small hole where the lower element went in) every time we drained the tank. Based on what you are describing with having less hot water, it sounds like only one of your elements is working. I'd try changing them out first (they are inexpensive to buy) before buying a new tank. Our tank was 20 years old before we finally changed it. We actually only did so because a friend gave us a 2 year old tank he was switching out for a gas one.

    1. He was able to figure out how to test and they showed ok. There are 2 temp settings and they weren't set the same, so he adjusted them the same. We'll give it a try this week and see.

  3. He can test the elements without taking them out. Google how to do it or ask at Lowe's or some store. Maybe his friend knows how.

    This is the grumpy lady in the alley?

    1. Yes that's her. Everyone's been mowing their lawns the past couple of weeks and her ahole son keeps coming over to make sure we aren't doing anything to her alley, but can't mow her lawn for her LOL. The stupid part is DH is the type that would be over there mowing it for her! Just to be nice. Ain't gonna happen. A simple "hello and welcome to the neighborhood" and she would've had a nice neighbor helping her out. Oh well.
