Saturday, April 15, 2017

An expensive day

Yesterday I only had to work until noon and decided to take a drive to the city to go get my hair cut and do some grocery stocking stock up. I haven't gotten my hair cut since before we moved! It was down well past my shoulders and just driving me nuts because when it gets long it just kinda poofs out. I'm not picky about paying big bucks to have my hair cut. It's just an easy, top of the shoulders, a little layered style. Great Clips was fine and she did a really good job. Actually much better on getting some layers in than my old hairdresser used to - and it was only a couple of bucks more than I used to spend. I should be good for a few months now. I swear I shed as bad as the dogs so at least it will be shorter shedding now.

DH had decided to go with me to help me shop. He'd run over to Lowe's while I was getting my hair cut. Only on the drive to the city his phone completely died. Crap! Apparently it's done it a couple of times in the past few weeks, but it started up again. We've only had our phones 2 1/2 years, but he does use it constantly (for getting on the internet and texting). The whole drive to the city DH was moaning and groaning that he's probably lost all his contacts and photos. I don't know how all that works, but I said I'm sure it's not all lost. So, after my hair cut we found the Verizon store, where the guy was able to get it started back up. But since it's been acting like this lately, he said it's probably on it's last leg. We decided to go ahead and get DH a new phone. DH hates change and learning new things, but thankfully Apple keeps their upgrades pretty much the same for the user. We went with the iPhone 7 smaller phone (to still fit in his pocket), but still a bigger screen than our iphone 5's. $650 thank you very much. GRRRR. I opted for adding it onto our monthly bill for 24 months. No interest and same overall cost, rather than having to be out that all at once. Plus I spent $100 out of pocket for a new case and screen protector. We have had cheap smart phones in the past and with DH and his not understanding how to use them, the iphone has been much better for us. Not many complaints about his phone at all since we've had them.

This phone better last him awhile! and mine will probably end up dying soon too, what do you want to bet?. DD is going to get him an ipad mini for birthday/Father's day gift, so that might help make his phone last longer, since he won't use it quite to much then. He mentioned yesterday he'd like to get an ipad mini one of these days, so good idea DD has to get him one.

We stocked up at the grocery store for almost $300, but that was for several weeks of food. Made for a long afternoon, since we were probably at the phone store for at least an hour. We didn't get home until after 5pm. Oh and someone decided it was ok to put a dent in my car in the parking lot. Nice. At least we think that's where it happened - either that or DH thinks our neighbor kid might have done it with his bike - he was riding over in our driveway next to our car the other day......why can't people be responsible about their kids? I would never have let my kids do that. Ever.


  1. Crazy how expensive phones can be, but can't imagine not having one. How did we ever live without them?
    That sucks about your car being damaged. I don't think it's only the kids, but also a lot of adults who won't take responsibility.

    1. The first two places we lived, kids just came on our front porch and looked in windows! Ex assured the kids they could come over anytime. Hmmmm?

      Someone or someones over the past few months has backed into both my tail lights, calling for a whole new tail light expensive thing. Since I park in handicap zones, I believe those people just ram cars. Seriously, half of them can barely get out of the parking places or into them for that matter.

      I am glad I am happy with a $49 phone...whew.

    2. Apparently that's why the previous owners put up a fence around their front and side yard was because of these kids. But then they'd just run into the back yard! Since we have the dogs and wanted them to have more space outside we had fence put around the whole lot. We'll have to say something to the parents if we see him riding his bike in our driveway again. There is no reason for it. There is tons of free space without needing to be on our property.

      Up until 2 1/2 years ago I still had a flip phone. We had tried various $49-$100 phones for DH and they were always a fail. When I decided to get him the iphone it was a 2 for one special on the iphone5 (6 was out by then) so I got one too. It's been really nice to have for me where I can now get my work emails on it. Plus I love how it syncs with my ipad mini (gift from dd a few years ago).

  2. My husband and I both still have iPhone 5's, for now. But, the next big update that Apple releases, won't be supporting those phones. So, a good time to get a new phone!

    1. Do you know when this is supposed to happen? I'd like to keep my 5 as long as I can, but would also like to know when I'm going to have to increase my phone budget for another phone :(

  3. It's amazing that you should have to fence off your garden because some people don't know how to raise their kids properly. My neighbour caught another youngster in my back garden last year taking down my solar lights and taking them home. She gave him a right bollocking (as we say in the UK) but his mother just thinks its funny. Well maybe it's not so serious at 6 but at 13 it ain't cute! So I am now thinking of fencing in my garden too. Bloody hell. Anna

    1. and apparently we need to fence our driveway! Ridiculous.
