Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Allergy season

I've pretty much had a headache since last Friday. Took me till yesterday to realize it's most likely allergies. When ibuprofen won't make a dent, it's usually a sinus headache. And I don't have any sinus meds. I used to always get this for a week or two in February, but here, I guess it's April. Probably because things are just now starting to grow and bloom again after all the snow.

DH has been puttering in the yard the past couple of days. He finished putting the edging he had left, around the "rock garden". We're going to be adding some plants in the garden, so it won't look so ugly.  Right now he's out front in the street chatting with the neighbor that lives directly across from us. He's usually got some town gossip, LOL, since his brother is the sheriff. Our neighbor directly next door to us finally moved out the piece of junk pickup he's had sitting on a trailer out in front of his yard all winter. At least we can look out our living room window now and not have to see that ugly thing every time - it was right at the corner between our 2 lots. We eventually stopped even opening up our living room blinds because who wants to look out at that?! The trailer is still sitting there, but at least it's fairly low to the ground, so not blocking our view of the trees and mountains.

I made a lasagna casserole last night and put half in the freezer for another meal. I've been making it for years from an old recipe book I have put together by some women's community group. I should probably take a look through it and see if there are other recipes that sound good to try. I'm sure I did when I got the book like 30 years ago, haha, but apparently only tried that one recipe.

I received an invitation to my neice's bridal shower. Since it's 450 miles away, I obviously won't be attending......but I guess I'll have to send a gift......and then a wedding gift.....


  1. I would hate to think the only reason a relative sent me a gift was obligation. Perhaps they sent you the invitation so you didn't feel left out? An invitation is NOT an obligation.

    1. I'm sure they didn't send it just so I would send a gift - it's just me who feels like I have to.

  2. I would want to get the invitation. But, I would only send one gift. You are not able to attend either event. Or, are you going to the wedding?

  3. Well, I did not finish. Usually, you can find your preferred brand as cheaply as off-brands. I use coupons coupled with sales. There is a lot of food in my cabinets, but none brought at full-price.

    1. I will send a gift (and wedding gift, too. (I don't think we will attend). It's more just that it's harder to go shopping easily, compared to when I lived a mile from all the big stores. LOL

  4. Just FYI, Cindi (Thrifty at Sixty) has a new blog at

    1. I'll be checking that out. I have REALLY missed ready her blog! Thanks for passing this along!

    2. Thanks for letting us know Mary!

  5. Given that it is your niece, I'd probably send a gift too. What (and if you send one) may also depend on how close you are to her.

    1. Not close at all, but still family. I think I'll see if my DD is going. Send her some money and either go in on a gift together or have her pick out something from me too, to take.
