Thursday, April 6, 2017

It's Wednesday now

Ok, so I do know what day it is today.  Off to a good start. Our friend delivered us the load of rock after he got off work yesterday (our little dump trailer worked well), so then we took him out to dinner at the little restaurant in our town. YAY! I did not have to cook. And our favorite waitress was working. She's such a cute, sweet, little thing.

Got to listen to friend and his marriage problems most of the dinner. It's a bit of a different world over here. Not sure if it's just because it's all small town, so everybody knows every body's business or what, but sure seems like a lot of bar drinking and infidelity goes on among all these folks. Maybe it went on in the metropolitan area we lived in before, but we sure didn't hear about it with any of our friends (on a rare occasion). DH and I just looked at each other like this is so not our life, so hard to imagine. Not that friend and his wife are cheating on each other, but just about all their relatives and friends are or have. I told DH I would not like knowing all that about friends and relatives.  Plus, why would they all cheat when they know it's small town and every one knows anyway? Weird.

Anyhow, most of their problems are money and not being on the same page raising their kids. Friend had ordered this huge meal and the waitress was joking with him that if he finished it he'd get a sticker. So he finished it and she gave him a sticker. LOL. DH took a picture of him with the sticker and put it on Facebook. We had a good laugh about it. Our friends wife's comment (she wasn't with us) on it minutes later was kind of snarky. Either she realized it or friend said something to his wife - but she removed the comment and made a nicer comment instead.

DH got to spend this morning keeping busy spreading the gravel out. They used the dump trailer to spread it all out in the area as much as possible (kind of tight quarters), so dh didn't have to rake it all by hand. He'll bring one more load Saturday morning and we'll be good to go on that part of the landscaping improvement.

I've been trying to focus on earning Swagbucks the past week or so. I'm trying to make sure I get to my daily goals, so I can earn bonus's. So far I'm averaging around 100 per day, which is $30 per month. I used to average a few dollars a month, plus what I earn when I remember to online shop through them. I finally seem to be getting approved to do surveys, so can usually get to my 100 goal a day that way. I try to fill in with watching video and have figured out that I can leave them playing on my personal desktop screen even when I am flipped over to my work desktop screen. They will still play. I also figured out that you do not have to let them play through the whole time. Once you see the check mark show up (usually 20-30 seconds in) you can click on the next one. Even doing this all day while I'm working doesn't earn me very much. Right now I have $34 earned and $30 pending from shopping that will credit eventually.

Anyone else missing Cindi from ThriftyAtSixty's blog? I enjoyed her insights and good links to articles and such, as well as seeing life of a retired person on a budget.


  1. Cindy said she was going to start over on WordPress but I haven't heard a thing yet.

    1. I read that, too, before she shut down, but I got the impression she wasn't going to write about retirement/finances/life and such. I'll keep an eye out for her :)

  2. Oh so that's where Cindy went - I did wonder. It's sad to hear about your friend's marriage problems. My marriage was pretty rotten and the more I think about it I'm sorry to say it isn't that uncommon either. My friend who was over from the UK for New Year was saying that when his brother has a drink he lets slip probably more than he wishes and my friend says he HATES the way his sister-in-law talks to his brother. Then I seem to hear such a lot of unhappiness/boredom/familiarity - contempt from colleagues talking about their own marriages. It's weird but so many people have told me how lucky I am to be on my own. The (sad?) thing is, I realize it and love it. While I'm sure there are many happy marriages out there, it does still shock me how many unhappy marriages there seem to be. Sad. Anna

    1. it is sad. While my dh and I have had our share of problems over the years, we were pretty much on same page over our money as well as raising the kids, it would have been pretty impossible, if we weren't. Friends wife hides things from him, in addition to the credit card debt she has, so boy, sure would be hard to trust her if I were her husband.

  3. I live in a small town and hear lots. Since I have lived in smaller towns since I left Memphis right out of hs, I don't hear much of those folks. However, if I am around them much, I do hear things.

    I was hoping Cindi would let people know where she is.

    I rarely go to my fb page, but never see negativity about each other or spouses. There is no drama amongst my friends or with husbands. They are mostly politically minded folk and have other things to grouse about.

    1. we were surprised to see her remark, as usually she portrays that all is wonderful/happy, so that must tell you they are sure having problems.

  4. I miss her already. She's doing this photography blog but said she's not writing after Google screwed her over after a lot of hard work. BooHoo, our loss for sure!

    1. well, I will miss her writing. Hope she is doing well!

  5. I have had relationships but never got as far as a marriage. I do not regret it at all. Some people are not meant to be married and I am one of them. Being cheated on is terrible. I wish people can be honest to each other.

    1. I doubt I would ever re-marry if something happened to my husband. I'm too much of a loner.

  6. I really miss Cindi. She was an excellent and insightful writer. Income wise, self hosting on (rather than is actually the way to go. I hope that she reconsiders and decides to continue her writing.

    I need to get back to Swagbucks. With going out of town this past week I haven't touched it.

  7. Glad I found out from your blog about Cindi. Went to look for her and couldn't find her last week.

    1. I'm sure lots of people are wondering, especially since her post about why didn't stay up too long before she shut it down.

    2. I missed it-- why did she stop?

    3. Blogger did something with her ads/earnings, so she has switched to Wordpress and decided to start up again
