Thursday, June 30, 2016

Now guess what?!

Those of you following my saga.......well, I don't think you'll be one bit surprised to hear that our buyer rescinded his offer today! Got back from his month long trip out of the country yesterday and back of of it today. Thanks for wasting a month of our time.

It's actually a blessing. Since our financing got so screwed up, this now gives me time to figure that out before we do anything else.

at least the roller coaster has slowed down a bit.


  1. Seriously - take the earnest money and go buy liquor!!! LOTS & LOTS OF LIQUOR!! lol You & DH deserve it!! You should be writing a book about this whole saga!! Aye ye ye!!

  2. Our realtor is saying no, he gets his money back, but then DH pushed it some with her, so she is checking more on it. Our other realtor (for our buying)also said we should get the money. I'm not counting on it, but the guy jerked us around for a month!

    After all this, I might just have to take up drinking!or maybe I'll go down to the druggies and buy some pot!! (JUST KIDDING) Good grief!

  3. We had people back out and they got their money back. Without your financing it wouldn't have worked out anyway. Cheryl

    1. if they hadn't backed out, we would still be obligated to go through with sale. We would have most likely just had to rent, if our financing still hadn't been resolved. So, I'm a bit relieved at this point they did back out.

  4. At least now you do not have to worry about having to move out. Will you put the house back on the market or will you wait a while to sort out the financing stuff? Whatever you decide, I hope it will work out for the best for you.

    1. Yes, we have decided to put it back on the market and still working on figuring out financing. If I can't qualify for an FHA loan for a house that costs $125k LOL, then we are in deeper trouble than I thought! (that's our back up plan)

  5. It depends on what clauses they had in their offer letter. When I bought my house I said I had 10 days to do a home inspection and 20 days (from offer date) to secure financing (30 day close). After that 20 days if I didn't cancel the offer due to financing issues I would lose my earnest money. Curious what the buyer wrote in their offer. I hope you fight it if the money is legally yours.

    1. Our realtor had her boss, who she said is a contract guru look at it and he feels the money should go to us, so that's what they are pursuing. If we are due it, great. If not, then that's ok too.

  6. Well at least now you have some breathing room to determine your next steps.
