Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Feeling better

I am feeling much better this morning. My brain finally "unlocked" and is moving on. LOL. What a weird feeling. I've never had that happen before. I think it helped to write it all out and then talk it all out with my boss. A bit of purging, I guess. Then I got busy with work, which helped. Then DH texted me that a realtor had called and wanted to show the house at 5:30 for a possible back up offer. Eek! I was so wiped out over the weekend, I didn't do much cleaning at all. So, I left work an hour early, came home and vacuumed, dusted and tidied up. DH had kindly cleaned the bathroom. Didn't get an offer last night, so who knows. Our buyers are still out of the country and still the FHA appraisal has not been taken care of. It's been 3 weeks now. I think my realtor is getting a bit nervous it's going to fall through. Apparently these were people that looked at the house before, but I'm not quite sure.

I slept much better last night, though I still woke up and went into panic mode as I do every morning nowadays. I still barely have an appetite. I think of all the stuff still do do and mostly about all the stuff that can still go wrong. Ugh. We have 8 working days to meet our sales goal and get our mid year bonus. As of today we are at 48% of our mid year quota. So close! I really need that extra money.

Here's a weird construction loan story. My boss said one of my co-workers is also going through construction loan hell. Trying several lenders, etc. So this lender he finds wants a 20% overage cushion. I guess he negotiated it down, but they also want him to have additional liquid cash on reserve. They are telling him that even if this reserve is not needed and the house comes in at cost, that money will be used as a lump payment towards his end loan! I asked my lender if this was how theirs worked and the construction loan officer was like no way, that is strange! I have a feeling maybe my co-worker misunderstood what his lender told him.

My boss told me her construction loan horror story. Back when she was like 19, she had married a guy like 10 years older than her. They decided to build a house and did a whole bunch of sweat equity. Once they were done building the lender didn't want to appraise the house what it was really worth and were just going to keep the house......knowing that because my boss and her dh had put so much of their own money and labor into it, that the bank could resell it and would make all that money and my boss would be out. They finally "won" and got their house financed like it should have been, but she said it was so stressful and she was so young an inexperienced with it all.

I have been reading a whole bunch lately. I used to always be reading a book, but sometime around the time my eyes started changing to needing tri-focals it got so I didn't like reading as much or couldn't read very long. So, I really haven't read much the past several years. I bumped up the font on my ipad mini and have gone to town reading the past couple of weeks. I just started reading the Walt Longmire series that the Netflix tv show is based on. The characters personalities in the book are just like the show, so I am enjoying this read already and lots more books in the series to keep me entertained.


  1. Just curious but how much of an earnest money deposit did the buyers put down for the house? I wonder if they realize if they don't buy the house they lose that money unless there was a contingency written into their offer.

  2. I'm so sorry for all your troubles. My husband and I had to do a short sale on our home we had for 18 years. I've gotten over the heartbreak of that, but we thought we would start testing the water on buying again. This has been an eye opener! I hope you get things settled.

    1. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's been an eye opener for me, to say the least.

  3. Wow it sounds like construction loans are stressful! I hope you get all of the financing straightened out soon.
