Wednesday, June 22, 2016

and the nightmare continues

This loan process has turned out even way more stressful than having to go through bankruptcy! I'm to the point I don't even care anymore what happens or what we end up doing.  Friday afternoon I get a bank mortgage lender that gives me verbal approval. Tuesday morning, as I'm on my way to work, she calls me up and says "sorry, underwriting decided to say no. I'm really surprised, you meet all the guidelines and criteria, but they just decided overall it's a risk."

So, I had to turn around and go back home (at least I was only a few miles into my commute) and spend yet another day taking off work (thank god I have the most understanding boss in the world) so that I can try to figure out what to do.  I was still waiting to hear back from this lender at a very small bank, so I email him again. He's the VP and informs me he was going to meet with his loan processor yesterday afternoon to go over my file.

in the meantime I'm emailing my realtor - just so I know all my options. Apparently we do have some wiggle room to cancel this sale, if we wanted. The buyer is still out of the county, and not following up with communications, until the end of the month. I said I thought you said he finally called in and now they were going to get the FHA appraisal finally ordered (this was 10 days ago now). Well, now I'm being told he switched lenders, so it still hasn't been done. Well, if he was able to switch lenders, then why didn't he authorize or the new lender get the FHA appraisal ordered? they know it has to be done. Something is starting to smell bad in all this, too.

I'm also emailing with this lender lady who screwed me over in all this. She's trying to cover her butt, (because I talked to a lending manager yesterday morning) so her story changed again, though she's still trying to stick with that she didn't know we needed a construction loan. Bottom line is on June 6th I sent her an email with house and shop plans and builder's cost breakdowns, that came in higher than what she told we were originally approved for, to ask if we could get approved for this. June 8th she told me we got approved for the higher amount (but our property was too far away). So what the heck type of loan was she approving me for and telling me I got approved for the higher amount if it wasn't a construction loan?! plans and specs should have been the first clue...not to mention all our other emails and phone calls about it.  And she again tried to tell me that when she first talked to me only said I wanted a regular loan on a home purchase. I forwarded her my very first email to her, where I specifically said:

We are also considering building a home, so would appreciate any info you have on the financing process for that, as well as any requirements that might differ from just buying a home already built.

right after that first email we had a phone call where she explained the whole construction loan process to me. Obviously I'm not going to get a straight answer from her.

Then someone suggested another small saving and loan type bank in the area, so I gave a call. Again, super nice person. "Oh ya, we should definitely be able to do something for you." "Our construction loans are great, they run really smoothly." Same thing they all say (I have decided that lenders are really just salespeople - wish I could just circumvent them and go straight to an underwriter!). He sent me a link to do an online app, which I promptly did. I then emailed him some additional info and a follow up email this morning. No word back.

The other small bank is following up with me first thing this am with more bk filing questions. Again, and as I told him would come up, the issue they are running into is our mortgage, and supposedly the HELOC, are not showing up on our credit report, since we filed bk. Making it look like we had a foreclosure, etc.  Well, I can prove we kept the house. I can prove I have continued to make on time monthly payments the past 5 1/2 years. Good grief.

I called up the HELOC bank and said apparently you guys haven't reported any of my payments to the credit bureau in almost 6 years. Is there a way to remedy that so I can start getting some credit for all my payments?  She looked up my loan account and it has the box checked off that says they will report it to the bureaus monthly. Hmm. so that needs to be looked into further. She asked me to send any credit report I have that is not showing it, so I have asked the most recent 2 lenders to get me whatever they have, no reply back.

I called up the bank that has our mortgage. Big national bank, so I wasn't expecting anything out of them. Sure enough, they said if I didn't re-affirm the mortgage with my bk filing, then they won't report.

So, it's all like a big catch 22 that no one can just use common sense on. How about I just supply them with the past 70 months of bank statements that show my mortgage payment being transferred out of my checking account on the 15th of each month to the mortgage loan with same bank?


  1. I think these people never say "no" so they still have you on the hook, hoping somehow they can make a buck off you. That way, you will stay around and hope they can help. Somewhere down the road, I think she thinks she can still find a product for you, just not the one you asked for or need.

    1. I like how they tell me "you just have to be 4 years past your bk"...and then tell me they denied me because of derogatory past credit - which is only the bk! Either you are using it against me or you're not.

  2. So sorry you have to go through all of this nonsense. Why can't people just do their job and act like they really care. Sounds like a big run around and someone should be held accountable like the lady that said you were approved but then not approved and is changing her story every 15 minutes. Hang in there. Sending positive thoughts your way. I know it can get discouraging. Take care.

    1. Thank you Crystal. I appreciate the encouragement and positive thoughts

  3. Hi, I've been following this story but dont post much due to the arthritis in my hands but I have to be honest, after reading this last post I really believe God is trying to tell you something and that is, it's not the time to move.. Everything you have tried you are hitting a brick wall.. For some reason I believe you are not supposed to move right now...

    1. Thanks for commenting Robyn (I read your blog too). I told my DH yesterday at this point I really don't care anymore what happens! I'm not sure why God feels we need to spend more than the 3 years we've already spent living surrounded by drug dealers, but boy, somebody sure doesn't want us to have our dream, or even a little piece of it!

    2. I understand what you mean.. The only reason Im thinking maybe its not time yet is because 2 years ago my husband I wanted to move back home to NJ. We tried EVERYTHING and I do mean everything and each time we hit a brick wall. At the time we were drowning because our home has been underwater since the crash in 2008 and it will never be worth what we paid and the mortgage was through the roof. So, we stopped paying our mortgage. At the same time I decided to put in papers with the mortgage company for a modification. I knew it would't happen but it was worth a try. During all this we were still looking to head back to NJ but again, nothing but brick walls. I couldn't understand why God would want us to stay here when I was so unhappy and my health was suffering so badly being here. Well April 18th 2015 (my bday an Good Friday) we were sitting in the den just exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of hitting walls and the possibility of being forclosed on an the phone rang. It was the mortgage company..

      Not only did they modify the loan, they modified it PERMANENTLY.. Dropped the interest rate SIGNIFICANTLY, forgave the overage amount on the home which brought the mortgage back to it's original amount AND dropped our payment by, ready for this? $885.00 a month!!!
      There is NO WAY we could even get a card board box in NJ for what we are paying to live here in our home..

      So you see, sometimes Gods plans are way different than our own but they are always better.. As for my health.. God is working on that and I am just trusting in Him and following His lead...

  4. What a mess! I'm sorry you are dealing with all of this!

    1. it's such a mess. I know people always say that it's hard work to get what you want, etc. but this has gone a bit beyond even what I am capable of dealing with.
