Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Monday done

Yesterday was at least starting to move in the right direction - no bad news, at least. First thing in the morning my realtor selling my house emailed me that she was going to keep pushing on the buyers realtor and lender to get this appraisal/inspection ordered. She said her guess was that the buyers just figured they had 2 months to get all this done, so would just take care of it after their 3 week trip out of the country. I said I can understand that, but from our end, if something goes wrong, we have just lost a month out of our timeline, that we can't get back. They had almost a week before they left to take care of it. Plus, who is this day and age leaves the country for 3 weeks and doesn't check email or voice mail? About an hour later she emailed me that the buyers finally checked in, so now the appraisal can be ordered.

We had our septic pumped yesterday. Now I guess we have to leave the tank lid uncovered and wait for the county inspection to be done. We've always had our septic pumped regularly over the years and have never had any problems with it, so not worried about that at all. I just need to call them this morning and make sure I am understanding the process of everything being submitted to the county and if there is anything I still need to do.

DD had her first day on the job. Mostly just orientation type stuff and a partial day for her. Today she starts training. She pretty much got to pick her hours, so she is doing 6am-3pm, so that she can carpool with her BF, who works right next door. She was also told that in a couple of months she will be able to start working from home on Fridays. She's really excited about that news. I know she will be super tired for a few weeks, adjusting to working every day and those early hours. I'm sure that first paycheck will make it all worth it. Ahhh, to be young again :)

I had a super long drive home from work yesterday. I leave at 3pm and right when I was leaving DH texted me that this tray he ordered (from a metal fabrication shop) was finished and ready to be picked up. They close at 4 and it would be close if I could get there in time, with traffic. My traffic app showed me arriving at 3:55, but of course it was wrong and the closer I got the longer it was taking me. About 3:45 I called there and said I'm going to be 5-10 min after 4pm, would anyone still be there and she said she'd wait for me. I got there at 4:08. Thank God for gps or I would have most likely gotten totally lost trying to find it on my own. Plus DH was pleasantly surprised to find out it only cost him $67. He's notorious for not finding out how much something will cost before. He needed a tray for the generator to sit on that slides in the box on the front of his car trailer. From there I had to drive home, at least another half hour, so I just decided to stop at Wendy's and get us dinner. Two + hour trips home wear me out.

I'm really hoping to hear yay or nay today on whether we are approved with this new lender. Hopefully by tomorrow at the latest. She told me it usually only takes 2-3 days to see what someone gets approved for. If we are, then we can move forward with them processing the construction loan, which takes like 45 days. I felt a lot better when I found out our realtor over there works with this particular loan processor a lot and is working to make sure it's done quickly. So far, he's always done everything needed very promptly. I really like him a lot.


  1. What is it again that your daughter will be doing at her new job?
    This whole house selling/building process seems so super stressful! I hope you find time to just veg out and do nothing sometimes like read, watch tv or enjoy a nice meal.

    1. She got a position as a buyer for a logistics company. I actually have been reading again, lately. Finished 2 books in the past 10 days or so. It's helping to "escape" for a bit.
