Thursday, May 26, 2016

This and That

Ya'll would be proud of me. The past couple of months I have been wasting less food! More leftovers used for lunches for me.  When I buy a loaf of garlic bread, I cut it in half and put the other half in the freezer, instead of just throwing the whole thing in the oven, eating less than half and end up tossing the rest. I was going through my freezer and found where I had some time ago frozen half of a tuna casserole, so we had that for dinner one night. I recently made tuna casserole again for dinner and just as I'm about to put the whole dish in the oven, I remembered "hey, I should freeze half this!". So, now we have another dinner waiting in the freezer. Monday night we had a Stouffer's Lasagna for dinner, with some leftover and a piece of french bread leftover, so I put the lasagna in a plastic container and the slice of bead in a baggie and it was a great lunch at work Tuesday.  Go me!

DH has managed to find a few moving supplies free. DD and her BF picked up the huge bags of packing peanuts and DH just went and got some pallets. While I know pallets are easy to come by, these are really nice, quality ones.

Drug dealing renters are still at the house, though who knows what they are sleeping and sitting on, since it appeared they took most of the furniture out Sunday. My guess is they are still staying there through the end of the month because they still have all their stolen stuff there to protect! They have a big shed and a shipping container on the property, full of stolen property, most likely. But they got a drug shipment in yesterday! The truck we know is their supplier came in. That guy and one of the renters boy's then walked to the other drug house behind us. From then on both houses were busier than ever all evening/all night with traffic. Slumlandords son was busy - coming out of his dad's shop every time, going over to the house behind us, then back to the shop. Glad to see he's making money and keeping busy while he's waiting for his trial........which by the way got delayed again. Now it's into July.  Will it be quiet here on our street starting June 1st???? Only time will tell.

DH got a call today from the guy who owns the engine shop that we bought our racing engine from,  years ago. He knows of someone looking for a used engine. Long story short, it will be a miracle if DH does sell it. He will hold on to it over taking a couple thousand less for it and of course I'm sure he expects more for it than someone is willing to pay. That being said, approximately $15,000 cash sure would be nice right about now. I'm not going to get my hopes up at all. He can never part with anything anyway and will find some excuse to keep it. I gave up long ago trying to get him to sell the stuff. Though maybe I should just put this little thought into his you'll just keep it and let it sit there for more years and years and then when you die, it'll just get sold as a lot with all your other stuff and basically not get anything for it by then?! But, I guess it's just a totally different mindset we have. If having that sit there makes him feel comfortable and happy, I guess then it's worth it to him to keep it. Me, I'd rather get rid of something I don't use, if it's worth money, and get something I would use and enjoy at this time in my life. I know part of his holding on to stuff is that he grew up with nothing and any little thing he did have (a toy, whatever) he had to share with his little brother. He even had to share his birthday's with him! They were 15 months apart in age and when it was DH's birthday (3 months before his little brother's) his mom would get his little brother presents, etc too or they would give DH a gift and tell him it was for both of them. Weird!


  1. It would be really great if you guys had a phone number to someone (judge, prosecutor) so you could call theme very damn time you are disturbed by these drug dealing shenanigans - maybe then they'd get a little taste of what you are dealing with day in and day out. It's just not fair.

    As far as your DH and the engine - sure would be nice if you could get him to see that the $15K sure would come in handy with your new home - some new furnishings, etc. I'm like you - I don't get attached/sentimental about much at all. It's all just "stuff" and if I don't have a need/use for it, then may as well sell it or get ride of it - just cluttering up my life. Good luck with that!!

    1. We do have a direct line to the head drug prosecutor. But after 6 months of reporting all the activity(almost daily) in an email to her, a sergeant, and a deputy, with nothing changing around here, we recently stopped doing it. Tired of having to the do their job. DH had given them a list of names he'd learned through observation, checking their facebook etc, and it was very helpful to them, apparently. Tired of doing their job. DH has offered every official from the councilmembers, sheriff, prosecutor office, etc to just come spend one night in our house.

  2. I feel your pain. My husband has a Semi Trailer with a stage that comes down from the side. Completely full of crap in storage. Lucky for us it's only 50.00 a month (even that is too much for me but it could be worse) to store it. I'm sure nothing in there is worth anything after all these years and we were offered 15,000.00 several years ago for the trailer. Should of sold it then and given them a discount to take all the stuff in it too. But he wouldn't part with it. I always tell him one day I'll just quit paying the storage or when he's gone I will cut my losses. Don't know what the issue is with some guys and their stuff. Now me it's books but nothing close to that amount. lol

    1. sounds like you deal with exactly what I do! At least it doesn't (directly) cost us to store all his stuff, though of course it does - in needing shop space, etc. LOL

  3. That's ayear of retirement travel (my nindset) .Maybe if there was anither goal for him with the money he'd see the sense in selling.

    1. That's what's strange to me - there are several goals that could be accomplished with the money, but keeping the stuff wins out over other goals, in his mind. I don't get it and never will, I guess.
