Tuesday, May 17, 2016

DD got the job!

Welllllll....... we think she got the job! She got a call yesterday morning from someone (not the guy who did the interview) from the company. She started out the conversation that she wanted to verify what her address is (her permanent home address or address at college), wanted a copy of her latest transcript, told her they needed to set her up with a drug test, were going to mail her some information, what date was she available to start (she had already told the guy who interviewed her this) and then the lady said "and the salary is $40,334, is that ok?".

DD was so excited by it all and then after she got off the phone she realized the lady never actually said "you have the job" or "we'd like to offer you the position". I thought it all kind of strange and vague. Usually the person who interviewed you (or at least someone from HR) calls back and starts out by saying something to the effect of "we'd like to offer you the position"....and the conversation goes from there. She emailed back the guy who interviewed her to ask him if this means she is getting the job (with passing drug test, of course), but hasn't heard back yet.  So, we think it's all good news coming about the job, but she'll feel better when it's official.

Last night we decided to re-price our home to market as is to homeowners, and drop the marketing to developers/builders. We gave it 3 weeks and only one called our realtor, like a week ago. Within an hour of her changing the price (this was like 9pm) she had been contacted and scheduled a viewing for this coming Saturday. Let's hope that is the start of many more!

While the price listed for developers would have been amazing, it was really a very long shot and we gave it 3 weeks. If we had been able to start this process earlier, we could have given it more time, but if we don't get sold soon, we lose out on our window to build a home in summer/early fall. Winters aren't for building where we are going and if we can't, then we'll have to wait until next spring. As it is, I don't even see how we will be able to time all this to work out, LOL. The builder is dragging his heels getting us the final estimate, so we can get the process started with our bank approving it. That itself will take 45 days.

I just have to keep reminding myself - just take it all one step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for your daughter! And, having just been through this with my husband, it definitely DOES sound like she got the job! While it was an extremely strange way to conduct business, maybe it's company policy that the candidate has to pass the drug test before being officially offered the position? Of course, I have no real idea since I have been out of the full time work force for so long now.
