Monday, May 9, 2016

It's only Monday

It was a really nice weekend. DD was here from first thing Saturday morning through dinner on Sunday. She went grocery shopping with me Saturday morning and then after we came home and put away the groceries we went down to the Farmer's Market. Super nice and sunny day. Very crowded but we had fun looking at everything and eating some cheesecake ice cream bars (yum!). I didn't buy anything, but she bought a cute suncatcher and a plaque with a saying about coffee. My treat to myself was spending the $11 bucks to take my car through the car wash on the way home. Apparently everyone had the same idea because we got in line, which didn't look too bad and then went around the corner to the back, where you enter and it was solid cars in every lane. LOL. I think we only had to wait 20 minutes or so, though.

Saturday we went out to dinner for Mexican food and then watched a movie on Netflix that evening. Sunday she made blueberry muffins for breakfast and we just hung out at home all day. Nice and relaxing. I called my mom in the morning and chatted with her awhile. DD got me a Kohl's gift card and a cute teapot. Mother's Day has become kind of a bittersweet day for me the past few years. DD is amazing and makes me feel very loved and special and then on the other hand I feel like a terrible mom for DS. Makes the day hard. I went through the day yesterday pretty well, but today at work, just working away, all of a sudden I got all teary eyed and sad.

Someone either tried to steal something from good neighbor's place today or was there to case it out for future reference. DH watched the replay on the cameras. He had been out in the garage so didn't see this car come in very slow. Stopped at our first gate, then drove slow and stopped in front of good neighbor's driveway, then went to the culdesac and turned around and then turned in good neighbors for a minute, backed out and left.  4 minutes later he came back and went all the way down good neighbors driveway. The dogs were outside then and started barking so DH went outside and walked over to fence between us to see what dogs were barking at. By then whoever it was realized they were being watched and quickly drove out and away.  DH thinks its probably someone looking for packages to steal, which has become very common in our area. Good neighbor also has his extra pick up truck parked outside, and it's possible they were going to try to siphon gas or break into it. He will be so screwed when we leave. He has a camera system he bought, like a year or two ago, but like with everything he does, it's never gotten done. He is the king of procrastination, that's for sure. He's probably going to have to do something when we move.

I am loving the spotless house, though I wish someone would come and look at it. LOL. We're are giving the listing for the developer network another week and if no interest at all, we'll probably list it as just a single home on acreage, priced accordingly, without trying to appeal to a developer who could put multiple homes here.

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