Sunday, May 22, 2016


Yesterday was a better day, house showing wise. We had that 11am showing, so we went over to Tractor Supply to get dog food while that was going on. Right after we got back and DH was walking out to put the empty food bag in the garbage can someone drove up, looking at the house. They were just on their own, no realtor, and asked DH if they could take a look, so he said sure. He showed them around and they seemed super interested. I gave them our realtor's card. As they were driving away I got an email from our realtor that the 11am showing was seriously considering making an offer! Haven't heard anymore yet and now we have another showing scheduled this afternoon.

Keeping our hopes up and fingers crossed!


  1. good luck!!! fingers crossed!!!!

  2. We ended up with 2 showings today, so 7 total so far, since Tuesday.

    1. That's really a LOT for one week!!!! Nothing to be down in the dumps about! Keep your chin up - just need the right buyer! Fingers crossed!

    2. yes, I feel better that we got the 4 over the weekend. that dry spell Wed, Thurs and Fri had me nervous.

  3. I am completely riveted about what will happen. Vicariously living through your situation because I want to move so badly!

    1. I am riveted too! LOL. I think at this point I'd rather be reading someone else go through it :) Good thing we only plan to do this selling/moving stuff this one time.
