Saturday, May 28, 2016


We *think* the renters are now gone for good. Yesterday around noon their drug runner/supplier pulled out in his truck with their washer and dryer. Around 3pm the renters sister, who lived with them drove out of here as fast as she could on this short little road. Haven't seen anyone there since and last night, for the first time in like forever, there were no lights on in that house. We'll see, but hoping for a nice quiet weekend for a change.

We had a showing of our house last night. They were supposed to arrive between 6 and 6:15. They got here after 6:30 and stayed about 50 minutes. DH watches it on our camera system so we know when the get there and leave. Then we know we can go back home. It's not like we can just go shopping or out to eat or over to friends - we have to take the dogs with us, so we just drive over to nearby shopping center and wait in the parking lot, most times. 

We were not happy when we got back to find the realtor had left our back door wide open! And the couple's little kid broke one of my yard decorations. Geez!!!!! DH watched the replay of their visit and it was strange. The kid, probably 6 or so was running around everywhere, I'm surprised that's the only thing she broke. While we can't hear what they were saying, you see a lot of body language and he didn't seem happy with any of it at all. The wife seemed to like the place. Half the time it seemed like maybe they were arguing, as she would walk away and wander around by herself. Weird that they spent so much time here, longest of any lookers. By the time they got to our shed and looked inside and saw the riding lawn mower the guy seemed to calm down and was making gestures like he was saying " don't have to push a mower over an acre of grass!". LOL. Who knows, but the leaving the door open really ticked me off. It's a good thing we were coming right back and not planning to be gone for awhile - or what if we had been at work all day or something. GRRR.


  1. Realtors are so much fun. We had ones come through that we didn't know and I swear they treat your house like crap and leave things open / mess with things they have no reason to be in to. We even had our realtor try to talk someone out of buying our house while we were there just getting ready to leave because the office hadn't called us to set up an appt. just showed up. It was a nightmare but we were lucky that we only had to show it for a little under 2 weeks and then had two offers for more than we asked. The only catch was moving in 3 weeks. Which we did. It's a pain to have to keep it like no one lives there when you have a dog. You are almost afraid to cook a meal because some one will want to come over right away. Take care and hang in there. Hope a good offer comes your way soon.

    1. That's awesome you were able to sell your house in less than 2 weeks. It is an icky feeling to have people you don't know going through your house. Most of our cameras are all outside, but there is one in the house and one inside the garage, that would see who tried to come thru the door, if someone tried to break in. I am amazed that people will go open drawers to stuff that clearly isn't part of the house! Our camera inside the garage shows quite a few have tried to open a drawer to DH's big tool box. (good thing he decided to lock it). It obviously does not come with the house, why in the world would you look in it?
