Monday, May 16, 2016


We had a productive, but also pretty relaxing weekend. Saturday morning DH changed the oil in my car and put a new air filter on. Got that done before the rain, but glad of the rain this weekend. The lawn needed it. I made a cake, took a little nap, watched a movie. Yesterday I cleaned house, make a trip to Costco, while DH worked out some more in the shop packing and organizing.

We are both starting to feel completely overwhelmed by this potential move. We have so much stuff. If it were just regular household stuff to move, it wouldn't be much of a problem, but he basically has a whole shop to also move. We have plans figured out on how we think it best to do it, but the timing of it all is baffling us.

Rather than hiring a moving company (ie big bucks) DH wants to buy a used 53 ft dry van trailer. He has found a place that sells them for about $4000. He's putting just about everything on pallets and will use our good neighbors forklift to load it all. A friend has a semi and we'd pay him to haul it for us. But we still have too much stuff to even fit in that! We also have an open car trailer that he will pull with his pick up and that will take some of the stuff, as well as the back of his pick up, my car (small suv style, which will most likely have the dogs) will have as much as it can. DD's boyfriend has a big pick up with a canopy and that will get loaded too. DH thinks he will probably have to make one trip back here with the open trailer to get all of it out of here.

While the house and shop are being built the trailer with majority of stuff can just sit there. The shop would be built first and really shouldn't take much longer than a month (he says he can build the whole house in 3 months) and then we can get all the stuff in the shop.  The stuff that isn't in the trailer? We'll have to rent some type of storage unit temporarily.

We have decided the best option of where to live while the house is being built is in a camper trailer on the property. Finding a place to rent for 6 months (the typical building time) would be a challenge. First to find a 6 month lease and also that would take our two big dogs. Rents in the area, for a house that would take dogs, run about $1000-$1500 a month. I looked online at used camper trailers. Found many in the $5000-$8000 range, which is the same that rent would cost us for 6 months. Let's just buy a used camper trailer to live in on the property. 

We can sell the camper trailer once our house is done. I'm sure we'd be able to get out of it close to what we paid for it, months earlier. Basically, we will have lived for 6 months rent free and once sold that money can go toward our mortgage balance.  Same with the moving trailer. Even if DH can only sell it for $3000, it basically will end up costing us $1000 to use that to move (along with hiring truck to get it there). And that money from the re-sale can also go towards our mortgage.

But, here's where I can't wrap my head around the planning/timing of it all. We really don't have any extra money right now, a couple thousand (that will most likely be used towards this lien problem) is all. I might have $2500 more at the end of June, if we get our bonus. Say we sell our house and closing is in 30 days. We don't get our money to fund all this until day of closing.....AND we have to be out of this  place by then??  How the heck do we manage all that? It will take DH a day or two just to load everything. We have to have somewhere to take it all! Can we close on our property/construction loan on the same day?  We had a bad experience with trying to sell our home about 23 years ago. We sold this same place in about 3 weeks. The buyers were financing FHA. The closing was set for a Monday or Tuesday, so we moved out that weekend before. The day of closing get get a call that FHA decided not to approve their loan because they didn't like our road maintenance agreement. The buyers couldn't get conventional financing and the deal fell through. We couldn't afford a mortgage and the rent of where we had just moved to, so we had to move back here and just didn't even try to resell it. I am SO leary of having to move out before it's a done deal. It's all overwhelming me and I don't know what to do.  I'm sure there are logical answers, but it's hard to figure them out when you start getting all panicky and worried.


  1. My husband passed away unexpectedly and left a shop full of tools, which I had no idea of the value. When I downsized and moved to a retirement community, I sold it all at an auction house plus any furniture that I wanted to get rid of. I was satisfied with the money I made. I think it's always a problem to know which to do first when selling a house since so many things are out of your control. I know that saying that doesn't help you in your situation, but about all one can do is muddle thru the way that seems best

    1. I'm sorry for your loss. That is most likely what I will do with DH's stuff when he passes. too much stuff! And you are right - we are just muddling along and somehow getting through it all. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  2. That's a very good idea. Hopefully we can do something like that, like you said for a week or two. That would make things so much easier. Thanks for commenting!
