Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Quiet today

Yesterday was kind of exhausting! I think it was just all the anticipation of showing the house. The first two showings were about 45 minutes apart, so we had to be gone for almost 2 hours. First we drove out and around to the new housing development that butts up to our neighborhood. This is the development that DH got to know the project  manager and found out they were getting robbed nightly. Fairly nice houses, 10 feet apart, instead of 5 feet apart. A little better quality than the other cheap track houses that most of the developments are. They all have "kind of" 3 car garages. Basically they are very very small 2 car garage, with a smaller (you couldn't get a car in there, unless maybe you had a smart car LOL) 3rd garage door.

Then we drove to the other side of the road and went and visited the guys from the other drug neighborhood. Just to kill some time. One of the guys is retired, so we chatted with him. His house sits back aways and he has lots of nice landscaping that we were admiring, so he took us on a little tour and to the back, where he has so many different bushes, trees, flower plants, etc. Lots of different fruit trees. It was really nice. He and his wife have lived there a very long time, in fact his wife's parents live next door, where she grew up. Sad that they have to also live like we do - drugs/crime/homeless addicts going on all day/night.

Then through our camera systems we saw that the second showing was leaving, so we went and grabbed some dinner through a drive-thru and went back home. Had about 2 hours before we had to leave again for the 7pm showing.  Those folks stayed almost 40 minutes.

The only feedback I've gotten this morning was one of the realtors (not sure which one) got back to our realtor and said "positive comments about house and grounds. Her buyers are just starting the looking process and not ready to make a decision yet"

So far, no showings scheduled for today.  Guess yesterday was it! LOL. We do still have one scheduled for Saturday. I'm sure while the people who look will like the home and property, obviously the junkyard neighbor will be a deterrent, that's for sure. The house around the corner that is for sale (used to be the foreclosed house, that had to get all remodeled because the druggies destroyed it) is still for sale at $400k. It's been almost a month that it has been listed. Will be interesting to see if they drop the price soon. Our realtor said she typically knows within a couple of weeks if she should adjust the price. Which tells me the flippers of this house have a lot into it, so need to get that price out of it, maybe.

After yesterday's excitement all day, today seems like of like a let down. This is all sure a roller coaster ride. I hate roller coasters and I'm too old for this :)

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