Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I just don't get it

I just do not understand the court/justice system, whatsoever. They continually just let all these criminals (many with gun charges) out with barely a slap on the wrist. And they get arrested again and same result, over and over.

Take our junkyardslumlandlord neighbor's son. He has spent time in prison before, at least once that we know of. He beat his pregnant girlfriend up, years ago. He is a drug dealer, a drug user, you name it. He was recently arrested, again, charged with possession with intent and he had a gun on him.  The prosecutor has been assuring us that he is going to get 4-5 years, because he has "enough points" from all his arrests. His dad recently got him out on bail (bail only set at $20,000, so for $2000 bucks a guy who has no problem having a gun is wandering around our community), about a month before his trial. In between then and trial are some court hearings he must show up to. Of course he took off and didn't show up so now had a warrant for FTA.  Cops found him (at the renters at end of our street) last week. Ok, so you'd think he'd just have to sit in jail now until his trial, right? I mean why let someone out again, that you know is just going to run? Nope, he got let out again last night. No additional bail, nothing. Just let out. And guess where he went? Right back to his dad's (he went and picked him up) of course. And of course he will be an FTA for his next court date, which had to get rescheduled to a later date, of course, since he wasn't showing up while he was out on bail.

Yesterday afternoon we had to deal, yet again, with the maggot (looks to be around 50 years old) who spends all his time in this neighborhood buying his drugs and stalking his ex, who depending what week it is, is either living with her new boyfriend, at the renters, or at her parents down the street (she is like 40 year old). She has no contact orders against her by this man, yet he keeps coming after her and her new BF. She has gotten arrested twice in past couple of months on the n/c orders. So, this lowlife speeds down our little street, spins around in the gravel culdesac, starts honking his horn. Then backs out and stop in front of our good neighbors, then pulls into the culdesac again, them backs out again and stops in front of our gate and gets out and someone from the renters goes out into the culdesac and is yelling at him to leave and he's yelling back. All this is going on for about 5 minutes. I had just turned down our street, as I had run to the store. He is blocking our driveway. At the same time DH had had enough of watching/listening to all this the past 5 minutes and he is coming out. As soon as the guy saw our dog heading towards him he jumped back in the car. DH went up to his window and said get the F out of here now. The guy is obviously high. Tries to argue with DH about getting off of our property (we own the road in front of our house - the other 2 neighbors have an easement to use it to access their property). Then he threatens DH that he better not sleep at night. The guy finally leaves and by the time I get back inside our fence and parked DH is on the phone to 911 reporting that this guy threatened him.

An hour later a deputy shows up, but is too lazy to get out of his car, so he calls DH and says "what am I out here for?" By then DH was very calm and told him what happened (and that we have been dealing with this guy for a long time now) and the cop says "What do you want me to do about it?". Now, we are familiar with this cop. He is a complete asshole. Even other deputies have said this. The guys in the other neighborhood had a bad interaction with him a few months ago and wrote up formal complaints against him. So then this cop spends the next 2 minutes lecturing DH. Tells him we get enough of the sheriff's resources, they can't be out here 24/7. This has been going on in our neighborhood for 30 years, it's nothing new, etc. Basically tells DH he had no business being out on OUR property! That any arrests made out of here are just small quantities. DH let him talk and didn't interrupt. Then DH started to reply and he kept interrupting DH and then DH blew a gasket on the guy. Told him is most certainly hasn't been going on 30 years. We've lived here 28 years and certainly would know what is going on in our neighborhood and little private road in front of our house. We used to leave doors unlocked, for Christ's sake. It's been going on 3 years, ever since the renters moved in. Said the two arrests the past two weeks weren't related to small quantities - they were for dangerous felon's with warrants.

Then one of the guys from the other neighborhood came over. That's when he reminded us of their interaction with this same cop. They cannot stand him and won't even deal with him anymore, if he gets dispatched to their neighborhood on a call they make. They just call back dispatch and say they are requesting a different deputy.

Instead of our usual "update" email (it goes to a Sgt, 2 deputies, and a prosecutor) we have been asked to keep sending in with license plate #'s, descriptions, etc, DH just sent an email that said we are DONE. We are heading into our 4th year of this crap and just keep being told to "be patient". At this point, especially with the arrests recently (in past 2 weeks) made at renters of felons who had gun charges,  "patience" is not more important then our safety and well being. We do not need to be lectured by a deputy, acting like this is our fault.

Please pray for us that we can actually get our house sold and leave this hell hole. It's all feeling very draining and we aren't feeling much hope right now.


  1. I certainly hope that all the pieces fall into place and you can get your house sold and get out of there. Under the best of circumstances, selling a house is a complicated nightmare with all kinds of unforeseen things popping up. Usually, it eventually happens.

    1. thank you. yes, it sure is complicated and we were already under stress with all this to begin with. I know it will eventually work out at some point. Probably not how we are planning/hoping it all will right now, but there has got to be a better life and place to live than this.

  2. Not to worry you more, but anyone seeing your home just might come across some of these low lives and you will have a hard time selling. Cheryl

    1. oh we fully know that! Between that and the junkyard next to us, it's not going to be easy, that's for sure. Someone could (and should!) do a check on crime reported in this area and will see how bad it is. We aren't moving anywhere without checking into that, that's for sure.

  3. I would stay low and not call the police any more. You don't want anything getting into the papers to give future buyers anything to worry about.

  4. But is that really fair to unsuspecting buyers? What goes around comes around.

    1. Nope. NONE of this is fair, especially to the law abiding, property owning, tax paying citizens. We were upfront with our realtor (and the first realtor we contacted) and we are not required to disclose neighborhood crime. We are only required to disclose problems with our home/property itself. It is up to the buyer to do due diligence in researching the area, just as it will be our responsibility to thoroughly check out the area we end up moving to, and we certainly will.

      Sadly, none of this is fair and the whole situation stinks. We have spent 3 years fighting tooth and nail for our home and our neighborhood, so that we would not have to move. Am I just supposed to walk away from all the equity I have worked so hard to rebuild the past 6 years? through either just walking away and foreclosing or a short sale? Who is that fair to? not me or my mortgage lender.

      If what goes around comes around then I guess I can be happy knowing my drug dealing neighbors will be going to hell.

  5. oh that sound so stressful! I would be a basket case with this type of stress and what a jerk that deputy is!! I hope you can sell up and find somewhere better

  6. Isn't it frustrating when people like your neighbor's son get arrested and then get out on bail so easily? Other people, who have no experience with the criminal justice system, have an impossibly high bail set by a judge. I'm sorry that such frightening neighbors surround you. Four years is long enough, I hope that you can move shortly.

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JR's Bail Bonds
