Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What a sweetie my girl is

This afternoon DD and I were over at our bank, finally getting together with the investment adviser so she could figure out what mutual fund type thing to allocate her Roth IRA to. Loved the young guy who was the adviser!  He explained things great to her and slipped in a lot of other credit cards are bad (but he did say they are kind of necessary evil to build credit) and don't be paying off a dinner you went out to months her young age, when she is out of college, don't go buy a brand new car - buy a used one!  I said "I Like you!".  He was suitably impressed with her graduation accomplishments and the amount of money she has managed to save in less than 2 years of working.

As we were leaving the shopping center parking lot a young man was standing on the side of the road going outside the shopping area with a sign and a sweet looking black lab mix dog. I didn't read all his sign..something about trying to feed a family of 5.  DD said "oh, look at the dog and the guy looks nice, like he really does need it".  She grabbed $10 out of her wallet and I rolled down the window and gave it to him. He was so thankful and as he went to stand back in his spot with his dog he was wiping tears from his eyes.  I hope that little bit was able to help him in some way.  DD has a kind heart.


  1. You have every reason to be proud of her. I wish her a life filled with health, happiness and contentment. I hope she always crosses paths with people like herself.

  2. She really is a special young lady. To have so much compassion when you are young is really a remarkable thing. You have done well, Mama! You have much to be proud of! :)

  3. Very nice story. Kudos to her. She's indeed very ahead of a lot of us when it comes to getting involved in finances. You're setting her down a really good path.

  4. Yay for DD. And you have to be a proud mama! In today's world, some of the younger people are so self-involved, they truly believe its' all about them. So heartwarming to hear this story - that DD is aware of those less fortunate around her. Seems like you've done exceptionally well raising her, mom! She's got a great head on her shoulders, understands finances better than many adults! I have no doubt her future is going to be bright!
