Monday, June 9, 2014

Another completed project

Our little driveway island project is finally complete. The last few missing blocks added, last plant planted and I added a few solar lights to shine on the tree. It will be interesting to see tonight if they actually shine much light or not. There is a guy nearby us who sells these plants for $5 each and I just love going to his place and picking a few out each time I go. I went yesterday and got 2 azaleas to put next to the back of the house to fill in some empty spots on each side of the block patio/steps and a Day Lily I planted in this island.


I'd really love to put in a little pond with a fountain somewhere, but since the fountains need to be plugged in, I'm not sure how to go about doing that. A few other projects still on the books. The brother in law of a friend is coming over Thursday afternoon to take a look at repair/remodeling our falling apart master bath and give us an estimate. One way or another, at least the floor and toilet has to be replaced at a minimum.  DH still needs to build me the arbor he promised me last summer......(just go buy one for goodness sake!) and right now he and the kids are trying to finish up our little back patio area off of our french doors.  Last summer we tore out the old large rotting deck and planted grass and added some landscaping.  Other than those few things, we should be just about done with projects around here.  Then what do we do?!


  1. How pretty! Looks great, if a bit lonely by itself. The flowers truly help. It will look awesome once it's all grown up.

    1. It does look a bit lonely - but it does "break up" the huge gravel driveway/parking area a bit now.
