Sunday, June 15, 2014


The graduation ceremonies are all complete.  Friday was DD's community college graduation ceremony where she received her Associate's Degree. I think there were about 700 graduating - it was about 2 1/2 hours. At least this one was indoors at a small stadium, but it was a long deal. We had to get there at 2:30. Stand around for almost an hour. I had to stand in a super slow long line just to get inside to sit down. We didn't get out of there until 6pm and then it took a half hour just to get out of the parking lot and another half hour drive home.

Saturday morning was her high school graduation - at 9am, but I'm glad it was early (the other high schools in the district all go on same day but at different times).  This one was outdoors and luckily it didn't rain, but it was very windy and cold at 58 degrees. I had my new dress on but had to wear a winter wool coat! I think close to 500 graduated.  There sure are some rude families out there. Everyone was asked to keep their cheering to a minimum between names, so that the next child's name could be heard and there were a few who thought they were better than everyone else and deserved to cheer longer and a few names were drowned out.  (what is wrong with people?!). And the group behind us included 2 teenagers who sat and talked the whole time, which was making it hard for me to hear the speeches. DH finally said something to him when the kid rolled up his program and was trying to make bull horn sounds through it, right in my ear.

It was really neat to see DD get to stand up 3 different times for recognitions. One for getting her AA degree - which there were only a handful of students that accomplished that, one time for high honors and one for a pathway honor.  Very proud of my little girl!

That ceremony took 2 hours and we were back home by 11:30 and back into jeans so I could make another trip out to Home Depot to finalize what bathroom materials I was going to get.  Then back into the dress later, so the 3 of us could go out to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. $178 (including tip) worth of fancy food. Now I know why we don't do that too often. But it was very good food. The crab and artichoke dip appetizer was so good. I had Copper River Salmon, DH had prime rib and salmon and DD had a pasta dish and some clam chowder soup. It was a really nice dinner and we passed on dessert (so full!) but our waitress brought out a creme brulee for us to share to congratulate DD on her graduation. Somehow she and I managed to eat it all ;)


  1. Wow, she got her high school diploma and her Associate's all in one week. I bet, you are one proud mama!!

  2. WOW! Congratulations! That is amazing. We experienced the same thing at our graduation. Very rude people.

  3. Sorry and may be I shouldn't ask but did your son j make it back?, I have been hoping things were going well.

    1. Yes he did! He was here for a week and things went well. He helped DH with quite a few projects while he was here. He's been keeping in touch with us on a regular basis, so that is really good. Thanks for asking!

  4. Congratulations to your daughter on her accomplishments!
    I hope she has as good a time in college.

    And nice splurging on a fancy pants meal out.....when you don't do things like that often, it makes it even more memorable when you do. 8-)
