Monday, June 16, 2014


Our computer are sick, sick, sick. First DH's desktop and laptop started getting sick. At the same time I was loading antivirus software to try, my computer started doing the same thing. Nothing is working at all.  I already had Avast on my computer and then tried Malwarebytes.  Tried AVG and Malwarebytes on DH's computers. Nothing is working.

My work IT guy had me try another program - which I thought worked. My computer was good all afternoon and then started doing it again. My IT son had some free time, so he face timed with me and tried some things. So far so good, but I'm not holding my breath.  GRRRR!! I'm not having a very good day.


  1. I did some "face time" with my son last night and that's what he had me do and ran a couple of the anti-virus programs and he did some other stuff. So far so good, but that's what I thought for hours yesterday after my work IT guy had me run a program. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

  2. Hmm, what programs did they have you try? Is it a virus or malware? A much heavier program to try would be Hitman Pro (free for the first try), but unless you know what's wrong, I wouldn't rush to it. I personally prefer Comodo AV vs Avast. I recently (very stupidly) installed some nasty malware in my machine, and it took me all of 2 days to get rid of it. I enjoy troubleshooting, but the thing was frustratingly strong. Hope you can get your computer back to normal. Tell your son to try TeamViewer (where he can control your computer remotely). It's free, and it makes my troubleshooting sessions so much easier when friends have issues.

    1. I have tried Avast, Malwarebytes, AVG and ComboFix. I'm not sure what the difference is between a virus and malware? It's popping up new tabs in Firefox with pages saying to update or download a media player. So far, since last evening my computer seems fine now, since DS helped me, but I'm going to give it a day or so before I get him back on facetime to try same stuff on DH's computers. I have teamviewer on my computer (he loaded it some time ago) but when he went to try and get on through that it wasn't letting him on for some reason, so he ended up just talking me through it all.
