Saturday, August 31, 2024

Wires and weight

It was nice only having to work a half day yesterday. By the time I went to bed, for a minute I felt it was like Saturday, haha. Then I realized, no! I have 3 more days off. Then I only have to work 4 days next week and then off 7 work days.

I spent an hour yesterday trying to set up a wire transfer. My work's bank had added this new feature to our online banking to be able to process wire's ourselves and we got trained on it Tuesday. I had like 3 pages of notes from the training. I had my sis send me her August invoice so, while the training was still somewhat fresh in my mind I could get her set up to send a wire to. It's international, so a bit more involved. I could not figure it out. I thought I had all the info in there, but kept getting an error message on part of it. With setting up international wires, sent in USD, there are usually 2 (sometimes even 3!) banks that have to be set up, just to get the wire through. Her banks wire instructions had 2 banks to process it through. A bank here in the states and then to her bank in Canada. I ended up calling our bank and even the expert was a bit stumped on that one part, so I don't feel so bad, for not getting it all right my first try. Plus, she showed me how to get it set up as a repetitive person/company we will be paying, so next time I need to wire her payment, it's all already in there. While all that was fresh in my mind on how to set up, I went ahead and added our other Canadian vendor we want to start paying via wire. I got that one added all on my own, with no help.

Right as I was getting done working, dh decided to take the truck in to this guy in town. I can't even remember what is wrong with it. Nothing major at all, some sensor part I think, but the guy was able to determine yes, that was the issue and he has to get the part from the city and then can fix it next week, I guess.

While he was gone, I tidied up the kitchen and then took a nap. After I woke up I was having terrible heartburn and then that turned into a bit of a stomach ache, so I didn't have much in the way of dinner. Nothing sounded good. It didn't last too long, at least. I've only been eating the same stuff every day, so not sure what would have caused it.

Still no weight loss. So, I guess I will come home from this cruise, even weighing more, LOL. DH had to drink that small bottle of magnesium citrate before his MRI, spend the night in the bathroom. Gets on the scale that next afternoon and says he lost 7 pounds from that. I'm like are you kidding me? You lose 7 pounds overnight I can't even lose one pound being on less calories and almost zero sugar, after 3 months?! Not fair! I just told him "well, we always knew you were full of shit!"


  1. Question: I regularly read “Richly Retired” blog. She has not posted for a long time, but she had a current list of blogs she followed that was excellent. Her blog has now been removed, I am curious what happened? Is she okay? Wondered if anyone of your readers know. Thanks. Deana

    1. I'm not familiar with that blog, but hopefully someone can let you know what happened to her

  2. This is a mini vacation for you before your vacation.
    Will Amos be okay at a strange place for so long? Has he ever been there?
    I would not even think about weight on the cruise. There will be plenty of time to fret when you come home. Plus, you might be active enough on the cruise to take care of weight.
    Hopefully, you saved your notes on the wire transfer,

    1. It's either at DD's house, where he can at least spend most of his time in a big bedroom, or go to a cat boarding place and stay in a "cat condo" which is just a small space. Neither of which he has been to before. I am not going to worry at all about what I eat on the cruise - I plan to eat well:) I'm going to type up my notes on the wire and save them. We asked the gal who trained us, if they have these instructions in written form, but the do not.

  3. It is so tough as a woman to lose weight! I feel your pain. I do the gym twice a week and if my diet was improved the way yours was I would see more success! I think if you did walking a couple times a week, the weight would come off slowly but surely. However, it is amazing that you've cut the sugar out etc - your body is already benefiting!

    1. That's what I keep reminding myself - that getting off the sugar (and cravings!) is really good for me, regardless of the weight. Plus I'm getting a lot more protein than I used to.
