Friday, August 30, 2024


Yesterday's work day was much better. The lag and slowness was gone, which was a huge relief. I tweaked my Outlook setting some more and pretty much got back to my original. Prior to this new remote login (I think the IT guy said it was due to a new server) I could not access One Drive. They never could figure out why (One Drive was a new change about 6 months ago) so I have been having to do a workaround to get to it from a web browser. A few more steps to add files, but I had gotten used to it by now.

But, now my One Drive works and it's so much better. I had been having to open a pdf (say that came in an email, that I wanted to save), save it to my desktop. Then open my browser and go to One Drive and upload it to there. Now that my One Drive is back in my File Explorer folders I just had my email open. The pdf attachment is in my email and I just clicked on it and drug it over to the File Explorer folder I wanted it in. I was happy to have that function back and save some time.

Today our office is closing at noon, so it's only a half day for the 3 day weekend. After this weeks chaos, I am glad. My afternoon plan includes a nap!

I'm a bit confused on the state's property tax rebate. The state's "where's my refund" says it was processed last Friday. So where is it? USPS informed delivery shows no mail coming today. It only takes a day for mail to get from the capitol to here. Dianne - have you received yours yet?

I was going to check with Mrs Neighbor this weekend to see if she could check on the hen - basically jus to get any eggs she lays (about 4 or so per week now). There will be plenty of food and water, but dh had been chatting with Mr and told him we were going on a cruise so she texted me yesterday to ask if I wanted her to take care of the chickens and water the flowers. I told her it's just the one hen now, so not much to do other than to check and get herself some eggs while we're gone. I told her I'm not going to worry about the flowers getting watered, since by the time we get back it's going to be almost the end of the season for them anyway. It takes me almost a half hour to water them all, and I don't want her to have to spend that time doing it every day. Then I remembered we'll have mail in our mailbox, so I asked her to grab that for us. Mr. also offered to come in and feed/check on Amos, but we don't want to leave him here by himself for 10 days, so we'll still be taking him with us to leave with DD while we are gone.

With the busyness of Wednesday, I totally forgot to call Express Scripts back to get dh's prescription sent via 2 day, just to make sure it is here by the end of next week. I called yesterday morning and the guy said it's already been picked up by DHL, with a delivery expected on 9/6. Ugh. It better be here by then, if not, we still have Saturday that it could come (it ends up coming thru the post office). I see the online info did update this morning that it did ship out yesterday, so it should be able to get here by the end of next week.

We were actually able to sit out on the patio last evening. It wasn't too hot and no bugs or bees for a change. When I watered, as I was adding some more water to the bird bath, the birds started trying to come, so after I was done I just stood there, right by the bird bath and recorded.

Enjoy! (even the sound of them all is awesome)







  1. Can I hear a train in the background?
    Gorgeous birds.

    1. oh probably! The train tracks are right on the other side of the river and it's going by at different times throughout the day

  2. I have not gotten mine yet, and informed delivery doesn’t show it coming today. The odd thing is my dd got hers yesterday and we both did it the first day about an hour apart. Our mail sucks here. It has to go to Billings to be processed. I think your city is still doing their own aren’t they? I heard they were wanting to shut that processing center and send all your mail to Spokane. Hopefully Spokane is better than Billings. I didn’t even get the gas/electric bill this month. It’s just lost. Anyway, my mail out here is often a day later than in town where dd lives, so I was expecting it today, but nope.


    1. hopefully it will be here soon. I really don't want it showing up while we're gone

    2. If you don’t have it by then I’d definitely either put your mail on hold, or ask your neighbor to get it in. Mail theft is a big problem, and I’m guessing with those checks going out there will be an uptick in theft. A couple months ago every mailbox up and down our road was hanging open in the morning so we knew we’d been hit out here again. I wish they had done direct deposit again.


  3. The birds were cute. I wonder why some just stayed on the ground.

    1. the bird bath is a bit off level so when I had just filled it, some of the water was spilling off through the holes in the sides and dripping on the ground.

  4. I am so glad work stuff is back to normal now. I agree, you will have to think of a plan B if thatcheque does not arrive before the trip. I am so happy you and Mr/Mrs Neighbour are on good terms too, so you know there are eyes on your place even when you're gone. Amos being with DD is best, I fear he would be way too lonely with someone just checking in on him day to day.

    1. Since neighbors will be getting our mail while we're gone I'm not too worried. I agree, Amos is so used to having us around all the time, he wouldn't know what is going on if there weren't any people around
