Monday, August 26, 2024

Bird watching

I was able to log in and see my property tax refund status. It says it already processed last Friday. I think they mail out a check, not direct deposit. If it comes before we go into the city Wednesday morning (for dh's MRI) then I just take it to the bank with me to deposit. I want to stop at the bank anyway, to get some cash out for the cruise, just to have on hand.

For a slow weekend of not doing much, it sure went by fast. DD and SIL had gone out of town for a few days. I think they left last Thursday (with their camper trailer) and got home yesterday, but are also taking today off to go for a hike with a couple of friends, who are also taking the day off. They have gone on hikes with each friend before, but I don't think these 2 friends have met each other yet. One friend is her long time friend from high school, who she played on the tennis team with and last year they went to Scotland with her and her BF.

After I got up from my nap yesterday afternoon, I watched this for awhile. I don't think I had ever seen the birds with the yellow on them before. I got out my handy dandy bird book and figured out they are Evening grosbeaks.


The monitor cable I had to order for dh's new computer shipped and is now supposed to get her tomorrow instead of Wednesday. He might have to wait until I'm done with work, LOL. I have payroll to do tomorrow as well a Teams training meeting in the afternoon that is budgeted for an hour. Our bank is showing me and my boss how to use their new "e-wire" platform.

Time to get to work.....


  1. My birder oh travels all over the world to see birds and he really enjoyed your video.

  2. Like you said, it's a good thing DH's old comptuer is working! Awesome video too.

    1. of course, since I ordered the new computer he hasn't gotten the blue screen of death since, LOL.

    2. LOL! That's ok, he can use it til the blue screen appears again!

  3. The video of the busy birdbath was so good I watched it several times. I really appreciated not having music. I hate music on these videos. Pleasant!

    1. I don't know where my reply went, so I'll try again. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't even know how to add music, but if it was my dh he would have added music, LOL
