Monday, August 5, 2024

Waiting on the update

My work connection is down this morning and no one can get logged in remotely. It's been an hour. I'm very surprised they haven't fixed it yet. I'm only working until 2pm today, as dh has a doctor appt. this afternoon to check up on his prostate.

DH got a call after dinner yesterday that a friend had a flat tire on the interstate, on the other side of town, and didn't have a jack to change his tire. It took dh about 15 minutes to get to to him, but he got there with the jack and friend was able to get back on down the road.

Right after our work connection got going (about 15 minutes past our normal start time for everyone), we see our assistant is logged and for the past hour and a half I see his has just been working his little butt off! I message my boss and say "wow - he's actually working this morning". Her reply: that's because I messaged him and set up a meeting in person with him at 10:30. LOL.  One more hour and she better be firing him! She likely didn't tip her hand and tell him to bring his laptop to the meeting, so she will have to be getting that back from him....if that proves to be a problem, she could always then threaten to not only charge him with timecard theft/fraud, but theft of company property.......

I did get some banana bread made yesterday. I used the monkfruit instead of regular sugar. Not sure if that caused it, but I have always (for years) baked it for exactly 53 minutes and it comes out perfect and this time it was almost burnt. From the monkfruit? Plus, I do notice a taste difference, but not sure if it's because it's a bit over done or because of the monkfruit. I guess I'll stick with the regular 1/3 cup of sugar the recipe calls for. 1/3 for a whole loaf isn't that bad, I guess.

At least I won't have to make dinner tonight. By the time we get done with dh's dr. appointment and then stop at the store for a few groceries, we can grab Wendy's on the way home. I just have their classic chicken sandwich (I sure do miss their grilled chicken sandwich). I don't get soda or lemonade, ever. I don't drink soda (rarely) and way too much sugar also in the strawberry lemonade. A small has 54 grams of sugar! Oh hell no! I've gotten this to drink on occasion, but it's been a very long time.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully my next blog post will be the update on the end of the assistant saga!


  1. Fingers crossed on the 'assistant'.
    I hope your boss has some extra nerve today. I don't envy her.

  2. I love strawberry lemonade, but rarely get it. The other day, I even saved part of it for the next day. Then, I forgot it for a week. Since it was bottled at the market, it had no ice. Sometimes, I pour out the last 2/3 of the bottle.
