Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Pinched nerve and other Wednesday whatnot

I started getting a pinched nerve in my neck last evening. I was hoping sleep would make it go away, but it's still hurting. I'm glad I don't get this very often, but when I do, it seems to take 2 - 3 days to go away. Ugh. I may have to get my heating pad out, to try to get a little relief from it today.

It's been a good week so far. Nice when nothing annoying is going on, LOL. DH had his urologist appt on Monday afternoon. His dr was happy his PSA is still down like it was last time. He did recommend having an MRI done on his prostate, as he said they can see more that way. Then why not do this 3 years ago? LOL. It's scheduled near the end of this month.  He has to drink something we get OTC before the test, so they are mailing us the instructions and what to buy. She said it's similar to colonoscopy prep, but not as bad.

I'm slow to get this post finished today. Too much work going on. I suppose I should take some Advil - that might help my neck pinched nerve pain a bit.

I am bummed - on Monday, when we were finished with Dh's dr. appt, we went to the grocery store so I could get a few things. I wanted more Greek plain yogurt and sugar free pudding mix. I grabbed 2 large containers of their storebrand organic greek yogurt. My fault for not looking at the dates (I usually do). I get home and notice they are dated July 27th! WTH?! Geez, I could see maybe them being close to date, but they still had these on the shelf over a week past the date! It's not like we live nearby, where I can return them now. Boo!


  1. You should still call the store. They can leave something for you at the service desk, surely.

    I did the same thing with a half gallon of a new milk product I wanted to try. It was AWFUL. Then I noticed it was out of date. bleck

  2. Keep the receipt and the yogurt and return it when you go. I would also call like Alice said.
    Does your sleeping pad not help your pinched nerve?

    1. Since having the grounding pad, I haven't had any major issues, like this. I think it did help, because yesterday it kept getting better as the day went on and pretty much is gone now, where before I'd usually have to deal with it for 2-3 days.

  3. It might be ok to keep the yogurt, best before is different than full on expiry (but I am no expert). Please take out your heatpad and the advil and make yourself feel a bit better!
