Friday, August 16, 2024

Feisty Friday

We still don't have an invoice for that sprinkler system addition. No reply to my email from Wednesday, which is odd. I will try to call them on Monday, I guess. I just thought it odd that dh's text, first asking about it, wasn't replied to (they guy who owns the company is an old childhood friend of dh's and even texts him about friend type stuff, regularly) and then no reply to my email (his wife and daughter run the office side of it) asking about it. 

I got my Walmart order for pickup entered yesterday and finalized this morning, for pickup tomorrow morning. I wanted to get some more of that chocolate flavored whey protein powder (it only makes 18 servings) but of course...they are now out of it, even for shipping. 

DH was chatting at the fence yesterday with Mr. Neighbor. He said they are planning to put their oldest dog down in a couple of weeks. She's getting pretty old and having trouble getting her hind legs to work anymore :(  I'm sure they will end up getting another dog, they've always had 3 dogs since we've known them (2 of the original ones have passed). The last dog they put down (due to old age) was the one that hurt me the most. She was the sweetest chocolate lab, so so mellow and would just come over to hang out with us, even in the house, LOL. I think she just liked to get away from the chaos of the other dogs ;)

Well, I am glad it's Friday again. One week closer to our cruise! 24 more days. I hope the weather is somewhat decent. I think our friends said when they went before it was in August. We decided on September in hopes that there will be less kids on the cruise, being back in school, haha!

I'm being a little extra annoyed with work people today (not my company, but with the mfg's we work with). One company sends us an electronic payment twice a month. They send the amount based on a detailed report they have.....yet every single payment I have to email them and ask for their report, so that I can reconcile what they are paying on my end. Would it be so hard to just send the report to me at the same time you are processing the payment on your end? Good grief. I don't know how many other reps they have in the country (a lot) but I'm sure each and every one has the same issue I am having.  Or the vendor who emailed me 3 months ago asking about payment on the attached invoice....from 2021. It's the same inv# as we received from them (and PAID) back in 2021, but this invoice she is now asking payment for has zero detail as to what it is for and it's for a higher amount. I asked her for an explanation. Never got one and honestly forgot about her email. Then this morning I get another email (in the same email chain) from her asking again about the payment status. never answered me on my question from the prior email....So, I went over my issue with it again...

We sent you a Purchase Order for $2320. You invoiced us (with the same detail of what was on our PO) for $2320. I paid it right away (payment cleared). Now 3 years later you are showing me a different document with the same invoice#, with zero detail of what you are invoicing us for, and it's for $2533. Explain, please! (except I said it in more professional wording LOL.) No reply back. If you can't explain to me why you are invoicing me an additional $2533 I ain't payin' it.

Oh, and then I get transferred some call from "Quickbooks" - some Indian guy telling me there is a Quickbooks issue that they need to update for us. Sure there is. I just laughed and told him we've got it figured out and hung up on him. Quickbooks doesn't call customers when there is a software update, LOL. They just push out the update to be done automatically. Right - cuz I can see that they would actually call millions of customers to let them know, haha.

I noticed another change, since I started using this grounding mat on our bed. Prior to that I was occasionally (about the last year) having times where something would just slip out of my hand - a carton of milk or a glass. I was starting to make sure I was very careful to have a good grip! I was also starting to wake up with very swollen and sore fingers (arthritis probably?) to the point my rings were super tight. I just realized yesterday that nothing has slipped out of my hand since I started grounding (and I don't make a conscious effort to have a good grip anymore) and noticed when I wake up now my fingers, while just tad swollen (but that's always been a pretty normal thing) but no more pain in them. The only thing different is using the grounding mat.


  1. Does the grounding mat add heat, even if only by the material it’s made out of?

    1. No, not at all. We can't even tell it's on the bed, under our sheet.

  2. That invoice problem would be so annoying. How can they ignore your question and expect you to do their job!
    The black Lab probably did like being in a calm place.
    I have thought about getting a copper bracelet for my left wrist to relieve swelling and pain.

  3. That is interesting. I used the grounding mat once and woke up feeling incredibly sick and very, very tired. I've never used it again!

    1. when I was researching into it, before I bought it, I think I remember hearing that for some, the first few days might make them feel appeared to happen to people who had a lot of health issues they were dealing with, and the body was adjusting to the changes in inflammation that were happening. Kind of like it was a shock to the system.

  4. Interesting about the grounding mat. I am really fascinated by these kinds of things and in the end our elders knew so much of this stuff without having access to the internet didn't they! I'm glad it seems to be working for you!

    1. it will be really interesting to see how I feel when we go on the cruise and don't have it to sleep on.
