Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bad knee

I got an email this morning that dh's new computer was shipped out via overnight and it's supposed to be here tomorrow. Yay! It's also coming via FedEx and they are usually here by noon, whereas UPS can often be way into the evening. Then I get the fun of getting it set up and everything from his old computer transferred over. 

My right knee started hurting yesterday and I have no idea why. Just under my kneecap and mostly using the stairs or if I'm putting weight on my leg and just twist a bit, like standing at the kitchen sink and turning just slightly, say to set something on the counter next to it. Or it wasn't hurting and I went out into the garage to get a loaf of bread out of the freezer a little while ago. We have a very small step up from the garage floor into the laundry room and when I stepped up and put the weight on my leg, my knee pain stabbed. What the heck! I don't need this going on right now. I'm trying very hard to limit my trips up and down the stairs today.

Nothing much else new or going on today. It's only 1:30 and I feel like I need a nap.  I hear dh downstairs on his phone calling to ask about the bill for the added sprinkler system. Good grief. So, since the first 2 tries were to the company owner and the 3rd try was an email to their office, dh called their head foreman guy (who came out with the crew) and he laughed and said the owner hates to do paperwork so it might end up being January before we get a bill for it. I said to dh - isn't that why he has his wife and daughter working in the office? to do the paperwork? Wow. LOL.

I'm sitting here watching the bottle of water on my desk moving in vibration. It's crazy how a train going by, clear on the other side of the river makes the ground vibrate all the way over here. And this was such a quiet train that I couldn't even hear it, but kept watching and finally saw a bit of a train going by in between the trees (we can barely see it going by, but usually can hear it).


  1. When I had knee surgery for a torn meniscus, I could not pivot even to just reach over to put something on the counter. For a while I had to go up stair good leg first. That meant sometimes walking up stairs like a baby--get both feet on a step and then each time go up good foot/leg/knee first. I did that and still do sometimes. A ramp is the worst thing ever. Stay off those, even slopes and hills in yard. A shot under the kneecap helps a lot! It does not hurt! Maybe this is a fluke for you. I took glucosamine chondroitin and was out of
    pain for over 20 years.
    LOL now go to a real doctor.
    Really, being careful with stepping helps. Voltaren helps immensely.
    WOW at the vibrations!

    1. I'm hoping it's just a short term issue. That's how I was going up and down the stairs, as well. Our yard has some slopes and hills and I was trying to remember if I might have aggravated it on that. I can't remember doing anything to hurt it. I was thinking I should get some glucosamine to try

  2. I simply cannot understand a person running a company, presumably to make a living, who does not monitor his/her income, either by doing it himself or getting someone to do it for him.
    We have a local broadband provider who started out doing an excellent job and was always easy to get hold of by phone, if needed.
    Something must have happened in his life because suddenly he was difficult to reach and didn't respond to emails; we also heard from neighbours who experienced the same reduction in good service.
    Worse still, the direct debits from our account were not being collected by him for six months then suddenly he was asking for all six at once.
    We still don't know why he's stopped being such a good businessman.

    1. It boggles my mind as well. Doesn't he need that income to pay his employees?? he had a large crew out that day. I don't think they needed that large for our job, but they have been at a nearby bigger job that morning and then stopped and did our job after. The first lady I hired to do the extra caregiving for my mom, worked for like 2 or 3 months and never did bill me. Crazy.

  3. We live less than a mile from the train tracks and I often hear it and I guess we can feel it. But I've never watched a bottle of water at the same time as a train. I may have to try that.
