Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Where's the bill?

Thanks for all the blog suggestions yesterday. I will get started reading and hopefully find some new blogs I will enjoy following.

And while we're at it - feel free to share any YouTube channel's you enjoy following that has consistent content (it doesn't have to be money related). One I have been following several months now (in the vein of retiring) is called Buzz's Retirement Garage. I find him to be very likable and his content easy to listen to and he's just a typical average person, who recently retired and is seeing if he and his wife can live off of their monthly social security income. He also has some content about retiring that isn't budget related.

In other, slightly annoying, stuff going on - we still haven't received a bill for that extra sprinkler system we had installed last month. I keep checking my emails and the spam folder, in case it ends up there. DH even texted the guy last week, asking about it, but no reply. I was kind of figuring his office did their billing at the end of the month, maybe and we'd get an invoice after Aug 1st. Dh, of course, never thinks to ask before he had them do the work, how much it would be, so I have no idea. I'm sure it will end up being 2x what I'm guessing (everything is!) so I'd like to know what to reserve in my budget for it. I just sent their office an email about it, so we should now have this resolved soon, I'm sure.

I guess this coming weekend is time to go into the city again, for another grocery order pickup. It will have been 3 weeks, since we last went. Sure doesn't seem like it will have been 3 weeks.  

My boss's week off has been quiet for me, so far. I think that now the newer hires, in the last year or two, have gotten things figured out, so they aren't needing to email or call with questions they can't figure out. They are all up to speed now, so that's a good thing. 

I realized last night that I didn't finish watching the latest season of Bosch:Legacy. In fact, I only got through part of the 2nd episode. Stopped for some reason and didn't get back to it. So, now I am getting that watched. I think I did the same thing with the most recent season of The Lincoln Lawyer, when it came out, and didn't finish it. 

Yesterday, during my lunch break, I got the chicken coop cleaned out and fresh bedding added. Then I dropped my dirty chicken dust clothes in the laundry room and went and took a shower and got dressed for the day, LOL. I'm not going to worry about the hen while we are gone. With just 1 hen, the food dispenser holds more than enough for the 10 days we will be gone. I think the water container does, as well (I need to track that) but I also have another smaller plastic water dispenser I will also put in her coop. I will let Mrs. Neighbor know that she's welcome to go check for eggs while we are gone and should expect to get about 4-6 while we are gone. She doesn't need to check every day, as she doesn't lay every day, but if she wants to check every 2-3 days, that should be good. I'll clean out the coop again, just before we leave.


  1. Where is your cruise to again? We had a big (seven couples) cruise last year and the group is talking another one for next year. Last year was big (read: expensive!) and the one next year seems to be close. Alaska last year and Hawaii next year. I feel bad because I know a lot of people want to go, and probably will, but can't afford it. At least two of the women told me last weekend that they just now paid off the Alaskan cruise from May 2023.

    1. We're going to Alaska. Oh gosh - I sure wouldn't be going on a cruise if I was still paying off the last one! We booked ours last October, so 11 months to pay for it. I put the $500 deposit down upon booking and paid the balance in June. We also booked all our excursions back last Oct/Nov so those were paid for back then, as well.

    2. I enjoy Somers in Alaska on you tube.

  2. One YouTube vlog I enjoy is "Welcome to My Curls". She talks about a lot of different things. She does have too many Amazon links for products she buys, but I usually just ignore them. - Kathy

  3. I don't understand people not billing for their services.

  4. I like "A Different Kind of Quiet" for a Youtube channel. Not constant posting, but what she covers is interesting to me.

  5. I find that with series on Netflix/Amazon I rarely finish watching them either. I got all the way to the last episode of The Queen's Gambit and never bothered to watch it!!! On Youtube I like The Wheezy Waiter. He and his wife are adorably nuts. It's not anything related to money/retirement but he sets himself challenges (like walk 20,000 steps a day for a month) and I really enjoy his content!

    1. oh my! so, I'm not the only one that will watch seasons of a show and then not watch the final episode! LOL. I have done that more than once. I watched all 6 seasons of Parenthood and then didn't watch the final eposide.
